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Means to me, is where a cultural norm is that people respond empathically to someone that is in pain.

When someone is having difficulty that people respond to them with empathy.

Empathy - That means with a desire to

    • Understand them,

    • How they feel

    • What their needs are

    • Take some action

We do it on a one to one and on a societal level. There are systems.


Issue of structural violence.. Violence can be imbedded in the structures of the cultural system. How to replace the structural violence and replace with a different approach. This can’t be done.

Destruction is imminent part of our life.

Violence and destruction is a core part of life and how do we address it with an attitude of empathy?



Moving from an individualist awareness of empathy to a cultural and mutual empathy.


People need to understand that empathy is not agreeing.

It is approaching others with openness/curiosity and not with rightness/wrongness.

With this, you take everyone's sides.

Curiosity - is you really want to know

Fierceness, toughness, and autonomy - where does it belong? This is part of honesty and integrity.

People think that a culture of empathy is niceness, not making waves.

Part of empathy is mirroring the other. If the other has high energy, you can meet the other with toughness and high energy.

Autonomy - being forced to have empathy, people will resist it. People want to naturally to be free and if they can’t they will resist. Be forced to use empathy circles.


Individualism.. Celebration of empathy agree with relational empathy.

An integration of the individual and the group.

Individual and community are integral.


Issue of time.



Issue of time

Empathy takes a lot of time.

People don’t want to take time.

Efficiency works against empathy

We need to replace a culture of speed with a culture of empathy

Can led to a knots.

Democracy takes time.

Create a core statement.

Method - Overton’s window - how current society is capable to understand culture of empathy.

An intention. Our value can be constant.

Having a value of that..