Pottoff Math - Algebra 1 Videos

  • Lesson 1 - Addition and Subtraction of Fractions, Lines and Segments

    • Lesson 2 - Angles, Polygons, Triangles, Quadrilaterals

  • Lesson 3 - Perimeter and Circumference

  • Lesson 4 - Review of Arithmetic

  • Lesson 5 - Sets, Absolute Value, Addition of Signed Numbers

  • Lesson 6 - Rules for Addition, Adding more than 2 numbers, Inserting parentheses mentally, definition of subtraction

  • Lesson 7 - The opposite of a number, simplifying more difficult notations

  • Lesson 8 - Area

  • Lesson 9 - Rules for Multiplication of Signed Numbers, Inverse operations, Rules for division of signed numbers, summary

  • Lesson 10 - Division by Zero, Exchange of Factors in Multiplication, Conversions of Area