Henle Latin - Ch B

June 2019 UPDATE - I am currently in the process of putting all my files on dropbox - https://www.dropbox.com/home/Henle%20Latin so you can check them out there but I try to put "WIP" on ones that I am still working on.

What I have on drop box -

    • Latin Assignments for Challenge B for 2018-2019 school year

    • Latin Exercises Notebook for Challenge B (2018-2019 school year - I don't have a B student this year so I don't know how it will compare with the new guide but if you want to compare and edit, it's in Word so you could easily update with the missing exercises from one of my other files)

    • Henle Latin reading texts with integrated Henle Grammar (currently through Unit 9)

    • Henle Grammar Challenge B by week (again 2018-2019 school year)

    • Scaled Latin Exercises through Unit 8 (for most exercises of considerable length, I scaled down to only the evens),

    • All Latin exercises by Unit - currently completed through Unit 10. Working on rest. All exercises are assigned in Challenge 1. These will be large files so I would not recommend spiral bounding the whole thing. Maybe 6 weeks at a time?

In the file section below, are Ch B Latin assignments for 2018-2019,

Semester 1 workbook and Semester 2 Workbook (2nd and 3rd file - now in PDF format!!)

Semester 1 workbook and Semester 2 Workbook in Open Office format (4th and 5th files below). It should work if you open in Word but the formatting may be off. You could also download Open Office for free and then all the formatting will be correct.

The 6th file is missing Magistra Jones lessons so if you are using MJ workbook, you can add in these lessons to make it work with the assignments in the Ch guide but I think I did enough to supplement for Ch A but not for Ch B.

The 7th File is Latin Grammar rules (from the Henle Blue book) for Challenge B 1st Semester.

You may notice some pages that are blank except to say " END OF WEEK.. " This was to make the page numbers even for each week so that I could print double sided. Also the readings are not at the end of the week. They are in the workbook in the order that they appear in the Henle book.

A big thanks to Sylvia Roy and Magistra Jones for the work they already did with creating Latin workbooks. I did copy and

The following workbook is to be used with Henle Latin 1 Text (the purple one). You can purchase it here.

On dropbox - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xk93ffyey5cj8qm/AAAckSB6WcpOxrjrgwRoZDqna?dl=0 I have the Henle Reading texts (Units 1 - 7 - all of Challenge A and B) It includes the grammar lessons mentioned in the text integrated into the document. I also have a separate document for the Grammar rules for Challenge B 2nd Semester (both semester 1 and 2 also located in files below).