Drawing - Weeks 1-6 CC Connected

The lessons from kdhill02 fit in nicely with Cycle 1. I also think that Pinterest is a great place to get drawing ideas. Here are my Pinterest Pages.

Drawing Lesson Plans - Weeks 1-6 - sivers

Notebook Fine Arts W 1-24 - sherriellis

Drawing wk1-6 student ntbk - lorigreene

Week 1 - Oils

OiLS Review Games - loriberlie

OiLS week 1 - Mg143

OILS Grammar Flashcards - kbrennerman

Decorate Donuts with OiLS - bentkitchen

OILS - tutor script with pics - Mrsccmd

C1W1 Drawing Instructions and Plans - How to draw a giraffe - kdhill02

W1 Columbus Drawing - loriberlie

AE OiLS worksheet - Aesien4

oils-practice- amychelle

Week 2 - Mirror Image

Drawing wks2-6 - matches student notebook - lorigreene

C1W2 Drawing Instructions & Example - King Tut - kdhill02

Mirror Images - ihavenogreaterjoy

Cut & Paste Mirror Image - For non-writers - bentkitchen

howekids - mirror image of leaves

Symmetry Dots- emerging writers - jniter

w2 Symmetry quiz and puzzle pieces -welty84

Mirror Image African Tribal Mask - mimyers1

AllCycles_MirrorImgs3Worksheets - AmandaPrednore

Week 3 - Upside Down drawing

upside-down Pharos Lighthouse - lindsey.crews

UpsideDown_Africa - maddysmith

C1W3 Drawing Instructions & Example - Lion - kdhillo2

Upside Down Drawing - Journeyman/Masters drawing lesson - loriberlie

Upside Down Art - cut and paste for non-drawers - bentkitchen

Week 3 Upside Down Robots - thekrusters

Week 4 - Abstract

wk4AbstractGiraffe - maddysmith

C1W4 - abstract zebra - kdhill02

C1W4 Drawing Instructions & Example - African mask - kdhill02

Patriotic Abstract - loriberlie

Art_Images_For_Comparison - Abstract or Realism - AmandaPrednore

Wk 4 - abstract art tangrams - non-drawers - bentkitchen

Week 4 Abstract Art Pattern Cat CCC - ReneeH

One Line Design - jaruter

Week 5 - Perspective

CCWk4_Art_HowDrawCylinder - ChristineTan

C3Wk4_Art_HowDrawCube - ChristineTan

Perspective Tree Outlines - KittyRobinson

Perspective ABC's - easy cut and paste activity - jwolfey

Perspective 3D Chalk Drawing Ex - articpixel

C1W5 Drawing Instructions & Example - African landscape - kdhill02

Perspective Art week 5 and Car Tree Bird Clip Art - smorbes/cpresz

perspective - simple illustration showing flat vs depth - amychelle

CCperspectiveDrawing - ABC - mparnell

Week 6 Final Project

Fine Arts Final Project Warm up - solasmama

c1w6 final project african mask - kdhill02