Final Art Project Ideas - Week 6

Final Art project ideas for Week 6

FIRST - Take a deep breath and read your Foundations Guide. Warm Up is to review most difficult or favorite warm up from

previous weeks. And project is to have a variety of drawings for kids to copy and try to duplicate. Compare their drawings to

week 1. That's IT! Don't stress. It doesn't have to be as hard as you think it does. :)

I took several different posts off of the CC Facebook pages and copied and pasted them here for week 6 final art project ideas. Yes,

I did not give credit for anyone for the words I just plagiarized below. I did this on purpose as I am not going to contact each one to

see if they want their name beside their idea. So please just note that I did this web page out of love for my fellow CC tutors to help

them prepare this week but if someone wants to scream "copyright" at me, I will be more than happy to take down your idea that I

posted here. A big THANK YOU to everyone for your ideas!

CC Connected

1) Final Project Week 6.pdf - User ReneeH - This project pulls together all drawing lessons covered to date -- OiLs, mirror images,

upside drawing, abstract art and perspective. (Note from FB poster - User ReneeH. I searched all cycles, all weeks, fine arts and in

the search box typed in final project!)

2) User - nicoleleim on C3. filter her user name, fine arts, all cycles, all weeks. C1-3 Oils Lesson plans, scroll to page 14 for perspective


3) On C3 user Sarahhayden titleDrawing_Africa_6wks, scroll to page 14. There is a basic landscape village made from simple shapes.

Ideas from Facebook - Cycle 1

1) My Final Project Pinterest board - Week 6 -…/cc-drawing-final-project/

2) I'm going to review and then let them pick something they want to draw and do it with scratch art paper Rainbow Colors Scratch


3) On the Tutors & Subs Classical Conversations FB page, go to it on a computer and in the upper right hand corner, search for "final

project" to see the posts already made. Poster - "Knox"- uploaded a file for Nature Themes-

( African themed poster - "Slater"

4) Re- create the drawing that they did on week 1 to see how they have improved. Bring worksheets from other weeks to work on

again or create another abstract or perspective art.

5) Create a final project that combines multiple weeks like perspective/abstract or perseptive/mirror image.

6) Grid drawing - copy one square at a time and only when it is finished does it reveal the entire picture.


7) Lee Ames landscape step by step drawings. Other student drawing books - Ed Emberely, Bruce McIntyre. And Mona Brooks

Drawing with Children. Draw, Write Now books correlating with this cycle's History. Check your local library!

8) Decorate a cover of a nature journal to be used later this Cycle

9) Final project to include an idea from Science - classification of living things, invertebrates, vertebrates, animal or plant cells

10) Final project to include an idea from History or Geography - map of Africa and then color abstractly, King Tut

( Egyptian pyramids

11) Roman Themes - Art for Kids Hub - How to Draw a Roman Soldier -

Pantheon Rome -

12) Oodles of Art - Trees -,

Pumpkin Patch -

Ideas from Facebook pages - Cycle 3

1) A project that uses all of the skills covered in the drawing unit. For example, draw the mayflower with some abstract elements,

some background for perspective, talk about symmetry, maybe draw part of it upside down, etc. I have a few pinned here

2) The same drawing from week 1.......that way they can see their improvement.

3) Each student receives a piece of white paper with a frame drawn on it. I divided into quads and had them write there name in one in

block letters, do a mirror image of their name, upside down etc. Or another word.

4) Draw, Write, Now books and letting my class choose from a couple on what they want to do. Columbus, Pilgrims, american Flag

, George Washington, Statue of Liberty. They can then use the back ground to show things like perspective and the other methods.

5) Here is a link our director sent us -

6) basic elements of shapes (copying

them square by square), review mirror images, review upside down images if you have them flip the page. And fill in the rest of the

time with free drawing either another abstract or perspective.

7) I saw a great idea on Curious George, of all places! One of the "intermission" clips where they show real-life classroom activities for

the various concepts referred to in the episodes had a teacher giving out small squares, each with a section of the map of South

America. Each student had to paint what they saw on a larger piece of paper and then all of the finished paintings were pieced

together to form an enlarged map of South America. This would really force the students to look at the elements closely (OiLs),

would look abstract while they're working on it, would tie in nicely to geography (if you did US/North America), and would be a great

team effort. The kids could still take their paintings home if they wanted to - just take a photo of the enlarged map when it's pieced

together on the floor, and send everyone a copy if they want one. I hope to do this in our class.

8) We're doing an abstract of George Washington's head, filled with shapes (stars/stripes), words from the Declaration of

Independence, etc. It goes along with the history and the week

9) Maybe take a pen and ink drawing of something patriotic and divide it into the same number of sections as you have students.

Pass them out, but don't tell them what it is. Have them reproduce their section, but larger, on a sheet of paper, then put them all

together at the end as one large drawing.

10) We have bought 11 in. white plates fr $1 tree for them to do their final art project wipe them with alcohol to clean them...

use sharpees to draw and then heat in oven for about 30 min and they have a keepsake art project to take home...pinterst has the

instructions, etc. ..our whole community is doing it.

11) Have you seen the "Not a Box" project? You can get the book at the library and have your students make their own "Not a Box"

picture using many components from the previous weeks: OiLS, mirror image, upside-down, abstractions and perception. Easy for

them, but lots of room for creativity.

12) I *think* I am going to try this with my class. Luckily I have quite a few very helpful parents, otherwise I don't think I'd be as game

to try something like this. or

13) I am going to give this project a try and modify it to represent either the Mayflower or Columbus' ships, since it seems to

incorporate many of the weeks' lessons. I may have gotten this link originally from this FB site (if so, thank you, OP!)

14) This is what my Journeymen will be doing tomorrow for their Week 6 final drawing project! There's a great video for

tutors to watch beforehand to get a step-by-step idea of how it comes together. It's probably suitable for Journeymen & Masters

. Rachel Smiley