New Dimension Media Videos - Amazon Prime

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A List of New Dimension Media Videos available on Amazon Prime. All free with your membership to Prime! Videos are anywhere from 10 minutes to 30 minutes long and most are appropriate for elementary school aged children. Some are geared towards elementary school aged children but I, as an adult, have found the History ones to be very interesting.

If I have watched a video, I have tried to indicate an appropriate age for the video in () and blue text.

To view the videos, go to Amazon - and search for the key words below or search "new dimension media, key word" such as "new dimension media, digestion". You are looking for the instant streaming version and it should have an indication that it is free with Prime. If you do not have a Prime account, you can rent them or buy them but they are astronomical for what you get so I personally would not recommend.


Colonial America

Jamestown: The Beginning

Freedom and repression in Colonial America

Roanoke: The lost colony

Native Americans

Over The Rockies To The Pacific (Sacagawea/Lewis Clarke)

St. Louis To Ft. Mandan (Sacagawea/Lewis Clarke)

Ft. Clatsop & The Journey Home (Sacagawea/Lewis Clarke)

Northwest Indians (revised)

Cheyenne: Indians of the plains

Iroquois: Indians of the Northeast

Seminoles :Indians of the southeast

Lakota Sioux: Indians of the plains

Eastern Indians (revised)

Crazy Horse and the Lakota Sioux

Chief Joseph & The Nez Perce Indians

Great Basin Indians (Revised)

Quanah Parker & The Comanche Indians

Navajo: Indians Of The Southwest

Geronimo & The Apache Indians

Thanksgiving Shared: Native Americans

Tecumseh (great Native American leader)

Freedom'S Irony: Trails Of Tears & Manifest Destiny

Immigrant & Slave Prayer

Revolutionary America

John Adams and Thomas Jefferson

Jefferson and the Declaration of Independence

Pioneer Life in Revolutionary America

Family & Work In Revolutionary America

Values In Revolutionary America

Rogers' Rangers

The growth of pre-revolutionary America

Social class in revolutionary America

The Battle Of Gettysburg

George Washington

Long Knive (described as a Clark raid during rev war)

Washington at Valley Forge

Civil War

Freedom & Justice: The Civil War Era

Abraham Lincoln

The Civil War

First Blood (covers Fort Sumpter, Manassas, Fort Donelson)

The Confederate Resurgence Lincoln At Gettysburg

The Battle of Gettysburg

Freedoms Gained & Lost In The Gilded Age

The Killing Grounds (1862 - Lincoln - Emancipation Proclamation)

Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad

The Turning Tide And The Final Peace (Robert E. Lee)

Other US History

Fighting for Change In US History (Women's Suffrage, the Civil Rights Movement, Vietnam anti-war protests)

The day the towers fell

Ben Franklin: Man Of Firsts

Billy Graham


Freedom Marches Into The 20Th Century


WWI: 1890-1916

WWI: 1917-1920

The Titanic Sinks

World War II

WWII 1929-1939 part one roots of war

WWII: 1939-1940 part two Axis power rising

WWII: 1940-1941 part three America and Japan

WWII: 1942-1945 part foot a World at War

D Day and WWII

Pearl Harbor and WWII

Japanese Americans & WWII: Going For Broke (New Edited Version)

America's Latino Soldiers (WW 2)

Free At Last? WWII & After


The Story Of Hawaii

The Story Of Florida

The Story of Texas

The Story of California

General America

Betsy Ross makes a flag

America's National Holidays

America's Flags

Pluralistic Prayer

Participating In Citizenship

The Making Of America'S Presidency

America's Symbols

We Pledge Allegiance

We Vote

America's Songs Of Liberty

Civil Religion & Prayer

Freedom & Loss: Wilderness & Industry

Active Citizenship: Making A Difference

We Are Citizens


Truman, Eisenhower, & Kennedy

Cleveland, Mckinley, & Theodore Roosevelt

Garfield, Arthur, Cleveland, & Harrison

Harrison, Tyler, Polk, & Taylor

Taft, Wilson, Harding, Coolidge, & Hoover

Carter, Reagan, & G.H.W. Bush

Madison and Monroe

JQ Adams,Jackson and Van Buren

Cleveland McKinley and Roosevelt

Johnson, Nixon, & Ford

Fillmore, Pierce, & Buchanan

Clinton, G.W. Bush & Obama

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Johnson, Grant, & Hayes


America's Black Soliders (New Edited Version)

Lebanon War: 1982

The Warrior (medieval knight to modern soldier)

Origins Of Modern Special Forces

Russian-Afghanistan War: 1979-89

Pontiac (sided with French during pre-revoutionary conflicts with Euro powers)

Biochemical Weapons: A Modern Threat (New Edited Version)

Korean War: Part 1 June to Nov 1950

Korean War: Part 2 Dec 1950-July 1953

Six Day War 1967

Yom Kippur War:1973

The Persian Gulf War:1990-91

Origins of modern terrorism

Origins of modern special forces (viewer discretion advised for younger ages)

Iran- Iraq war

The Spanish American War: Birth of a Superpower

World History

Roman Feats of Engineering

Romans: Inclusive conquest and Loyal citizens

Henry the Viii and Anne Boleyn

Napoleon At Waterloo: The Battle For Europe

Rome: Village to Republic

The Empire

Rome:Military Conquests

Rome:Decadence and decline


The Destruction Of Pompeii

Leonardo vs Michelangelo

Leonardo & The Rise Of Renaissance Italy

Leonardo the Scientist

Leonardo Da Vinci

Leonardo The Artist

The Prince (Niccola Machiavel-1469)

Napoleon at Waterloo: The battle for Europe

The Dissenter (described as Hus, Wycliffe and Luther defy authority that leads to theReformation)

The Scientists (described as Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo and Paracelsus' vision of new world)

Mexican Indian civilizations: Olmecs to Aztecs

Taj Mahal and Petra and the Silk Road

A world reborn (says it's overview from late medieval to modern)

Nelson Mandela

Czar Nicholas the II and the Romanovs


Ancient Greece

Pyramids and ancient Egypt

Ancient Rome

Rome: Imperialism & Slavery

Ancient Israel and Jerusalem

Romans: Inclusive Conquest & Loyal Citizens

Rome: Village To Republic

Rome: The Rise Of Christianity

Leonardo and the rise of Renaissance Italy

Ancient Athens

The Ark Of The Hebrew Covenant

New Vision: The Life and Work of Botticelli

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon and the statue of Zeus at Olympia

Phoenicians:The alphabet and Carthages Hannibal

The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus & The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

Introduction to the 14 Wonders of the World & The Great Pyramid at Giza

The Dead Sea Scrolls

Egyptian Monumental Structures

Greek Designs Of Beauty

The Colossus of Rhodes & The Pharos of Alexandria

Rome: Decadence & Decline

The Taj Mahal & Shah Jahan

Mexican Indian Civilizations: Olmecs To Aztecs

Israel: Muhammad In Judea

Mexican Indian Civilizations: The Maya

Mayans: Deception By Temple Rituals

Egyptians: Conflicting Visions Of Immortality

Minoans: Public Peace & Ritual Violence

The Cities Of The Pharaohs

Machu Picchu & The Colosseum

Pharaoh Tutankhamen

Khmers: Creating Heaven On Earth


North America



South America















Low (Benelux) Countries



China: geography and history



Vietnam: The North



Vietnam: The North







Burma And Cambodia





New Zealand






South Africa


How Geography Effects Communities

Building The Panama Canal

Chichen Itza, The Great Wall of China, & Christ the Redeemer Statue

The Great Lakes: Who Owns The Water?

The First Ascent Of Mt. Everest

Surface Water: A Day In The Life Of The Rio Grande

Kilauea: Hawaii's Birth Volcano

Death Valley: Desert Biome Survival

Yellowstone: An Environment Of Extremes

Famous People

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Mother Teresa

Billy Graham

C.S. Lewis

Ben Franklin: Man Of Firsts



Skeletal and Muscular System

Respiratory and Circulatory System

Digestion and nutrition

Journey into life: Human reproduction

Blood, Heart & Circulation


What to eat? The new food pyramid

Fat Chance: Teen Obesity


Digestion and nutrition


How do plants grow and change?

What Makes A Plant A Plant?

Secrets Of Plant Genomes: Revealed!

Plants & Life On Earth


Solar System: Outer gas Planets

Where do new planets come from?

Stars, Light years, and the Milky Way

The solar system and inner rock planets

Galaxies and the expanding universe

Earth Science/Weather

Volcanoes and the Ring of Fire

Severe Weather: Temperature, Motion, Moisture

Tidal Beach Ecosystems/Coral Reef Symbiosis

Environmental Scientist

Tornadoes: How They Form Floods, Fronts & The Water Cycle

Desert Adaptations/Aquifer Ecosystems

Oceanic & Island Climates River

Ecosystems/Rainforest Adaptations

Historical & Urban Climates

Surface & Subsurface Waters

Wind & Weather Forecasting

Human Impact On Water/Climate Change & Water

Kilauea: Hawaii's Birth Volcano

Death Valley: Desert Biome Survival

Freshwater Wetlands/Water Surface Ecosystems

Yellowstone: An Environment Of Extremes

Restoring Damaged Rivers

Cleaning Polluted Water: Pumped Up For Peace

Storms, Cyclones & Hurricanes

Coral Reefs: Ecological Communities

Underground Aquifer Water: Precision Farming

Symbiosis In Ocean Communities

Plate Tectonics & Earthquakes

Drinking Water: Bottle Or Tap?

Desert & Bush Climates

Atmospheric Pressure & Solar Energy

The Seasons & The Monsoon

The Ecology Of Kelp Forests

Everglades: Decades Of Damage

Severe Weather: Temperature, Motion Moisture

Mountain & Steppe Climates

Polar & Subpolar Climates

Equatorial & Savannah Climates

Temperate & Continental Climates

Coastal & Mediterranean Climates

Seabed Ecosystems/Open Sea Ecosystems

Water & Life On Earth

Surface Water: A Day In The Life Of The Rio Grande

Water Makes Life Possible/The Water Cycle

Gravity Waves: Einsteins message


The Great whales

Camouflage and defense in the insect world

Aquatic insects:larvae to adults

Snakes and other reptiles

Yellowstone Wolves: Territoriality and clan behavior

Praying Mantis: insect predator

How Dogs Became Man's Best Friend: Genetics & Domestication

The Baby Elephant & The Baby Giraffe

Frogs & Amphibians: Crisis & Csi

Bees: One Big Family (All ages)

Bees: Social Or Solitary Insect?

Adaptive Animal Anatomy

Mussels & Other Bivalves

Ants & Aphids: A Symbiotic Relationship

Dragonflies: A Complete Insect Life Cycle

Trap-Door Vs. Agelena Spider: Comparing Behavior

Sharks: Species And Survival

Parmecia & Other Protozoans

Yellowstone Bears' Ecosystem

Paper Wasps: The Life Cycle Of A Colony

Hummingbirds Adaptation In Dazzling Motion

Frogs & Other Amphibians

The Baby Kangaroo & The Baby Tasmanian Devil

Adaptations To Underwater Nights

Processionary Caterpillars & Peacock Butterflies

Scary Squid, Octopuses, And Other Cephalopods

Scientific Methods & The Venom Cure

Ant Lions & Ants: Predators & Prey

Mason Wasps: Insect Builders

Fellowship Of The Humpback Whales

Flies & Cicadas

Owls & Other Raptors

Crabs & Other Custaceans

Mystery Of Disappearing Honeybees: Fusion Of Form & Function

Ladybug Beetles & Other Coleopterans

The Baby Baboon & The Baby Orangutan

Spiders & Other Arachnids

The Baby Proboscis Monkey & The Baby Macaque

The Baby Lycaon (African Wild Dog) & The Baby Jackal

Endangered Species: Extintion's Cost

Flies & Other Dipterans

Breeding Cattle: Domestication & Genetics

Sand & Spider Wasps

Caterpillars, Butterflies & Moths

Snakes & Other Reptiles

Population Crash: Disappearing Horseshoe Crabs

Ladybirds, Fire Bugs & Leaf Hoppers

Starfish & Other Echinoderms

Snails & Other Gastropods

Centipedes And Arthropods In The Leaf Litter


Bugs & Other Hemipterans

the Baby Lion & The Baby Cheetah

Green Bush Crickets & Locusts

Venomous Marine Adaptations

Ground Wasps

Sea Anemones & Other Cnidarians

Crickets & Other Orthopterans

The Baby Lynx & The Baby Eagle

The Baby European Elk (Moose) & The Baby Wild Boar

Scorpions & Stag Beetles: Classifying Arthropods

Adaptive Function Of Form: The Beauty Of Ugly

Butterflies & Other Lepidopterans

Bony & Other Cartilginous Fish

Scorpions & Stag Beetles: Classifying Arthropods

The Baby Gazelle & The Baby Topi Antelope

The Baby Fox & The Baby Rabbit

Insect Adaptations For Water

Dung Beetles: Nature'S Cleaners

Rose Chafir, Carabid & Tiger Beetles

The Baby Wildebeest & The Baby Sea Lion


Number Names

Math Symbols

Counting By Hundreds

Three digit numbers

Ordering Whole Numbers

Mental Adding With 2 Digits

Mental Addition With 3 Digits

Mental Subtraction With 3 Digits

Division Is Grouping

Times Tables For 2, 5, & 10


Decimals & Equivalent Fractions

Decimal Fractions

Equivalent Fractions


Estimation & Rounding

Bar Charts

Metric Measurement

Metric Weights

Units Of Time

Time: Am. Pm. 24 Hour Digital

Problem Solving

Problem Solving: Number Sequences

Problem Solving: Bar Charts

Problem Solving: Word Puzzles

Problem Solving: Tables

Problem Solving: Proportions

Problem Solving: Distances

Problem Solving: Using Coordinates

Problem Solving: Time Lines


Creating 3D Shapes

Symmetry (younger elementary)

Area And Volume

Three-Dimensional Geometry

Coordinate Geometry



Points And Lines (older elementary/middle school)

Angles And Planes



Higher Math

Functions & Relations

Linear Functions, Equations & Graphs

Data Analysis & Probability

Quadratic Functions, Equations & Graphs

Solving Systems of Equations

Exponents and Exponential Functions

Mental Subtracting With 2 Digits

Logarithms and Logarithmic Functions

Inequalities: Solving Linear Inequalities in One and Two Variables

Variables, equations and functions, the foundations of Algebra

Functions & Relations

Linear Functions, Equations & Graphs

Rational Functions and Expressions


Global Economy

What Is Scarcity?

Economies Of Scale

Simple Supply & Demand

What's up in Finance?

Market Structure

Macro Models

Elasticity Of Demand

Getting The Right Mix

The Specialists (benefits and disadvantages of specialization)

English Grammar/Literature

Characters, metaphors and similes

Harry Potter real worlds and heroic myths

Plot Twists & Turns (Roald Dahl)

Humor, Horror, Thrills & Chills (Roald Dahl)

Elie Wiesel

Reunion Island: Elodie And Her Calf

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn





What Is A Community

Community Rules

Why People In A Community Work

Communities Of The Past



Family Doctor

The Artist


Public Schools & Prayer

Science & Prayer

Social Issues

The Buy-Me Generation

Stopping Verbal Bullying

From Rude To Respectful

Self Hurting Teens

Cyberstalking & Bullying

Otc Drugs & Inhalants

The Buy-Me Generation

Teens Beating The Odds

Gateway To Addiction

Drinking & Driving Kills

Body Image Obsession

Stds: Lifetime Consequences

Angry & Violent Teens

Fat chance: teen obesity

Children telling a story about themselves (did not list all)

Hong Kong: Rebecca And Her Butterfly Harp

France: Justin And His Camargue Pony

Senegal: Amadou And His Horse-Taxi

Egypt: Esraa And Her Singing Lessons Italy: Andrea And His Falcon

Greece: Dimitris And His Bees

Greece: My House In Athens

USA: My Loft In New York

Greeks: Olympic Mind-Body Legacy

England: Kate And Her Orchestra

Italy: Donatello In Italy

France: My House In Bordeaux

Canada: My House In Quebec

France: Romain In Brittany

Brazil: Paulhino And The Alligators

Japan: Yououri In Japan

Israel: Elnathan In Israel

Israel: Shlomo Chaim In Israel

Switzerland: Alexandre And His Sheep Dog

Argentina: Frederico In Argentina

Japan: My House In Japan

Israel: My House On A Kibbutz

Belgium: Bram And His Carillon

Belgium: Bram And His Carillon

Hong Kong: My House In Hong Kong

Israel: Elnathan In Israel

Japan: Shuntsuke In Japan

Kazakhstan: Ayguerim In Kazakhstan

Israel: My House In Habad Village

Israel: My House In Galilee

Scotland: Kate And Her Pony

Belgium: My House In Belgium

England: My House In England

Sweden: My House In Sweden

Canada: My Indian House

Spain: Alejandro In Spain

Ecuador: Carlos And His Bull

Peru: Justina And Her Llama

Australia: Jacie The Cowgirl

Austria: Carina And Her Harp

Korea: My House In Korea

Scotland: My House In Scotland

Usa: Chris In Louisiana

Senegal: Cheik In Senegal

Haiti: My House In Haiti

Indonesia: My House Indonesia

Argentina: Rosario In Argentina

Norway: My House In Norway

Thailand: My House On Stilts In Thailand

Thailand: Liou In Thailand

Usa: Jeremiah And His Bison

Usa: Kurt And His Guitar

Usa: Hilary In New York

Thailand: Wirag And His Xylophone

Thailand: Mik In Thailand

Israel: Shiran And Her Mandolin

Italy: Fabiana In Italy

Israel: Itamar And His Violin

Cuba: Niurvys In Cuba

Lebanon: Elie And His Lute

Switzerland: Sophie In Switzerland

India: Renymol In India

Denmark: Christian And His Drum

France: Joyce And Her Owl

Japan: Yutaro And His Drum

Israel: Muhammad In Israel

Usa: Duquan Sings Gospel