Orchestra CC Connected

All Cycles

C3 w19 Instruments - Intro to Orchestra and instruments - Nicoleliem

Orchestra Seating Posters (8.5x11) - scottooth

Orchestra Song Transcription - amydoefler

Instrument Family Game - ejoram05

Teaching Orch Song - scottooth

Musical Family Guide - sherriellis

Week 19 Leading the Orchestra arrangement time - Jewlie

Orchestra Bingo pdf - jomcatr

Tri-Fold Board Intro Orchestra Week 19 - ReneeH

CC C2W19 Fine Arts Lyrics - Orchestra Song lyrics - thebrownclan03

Cycle 1

Cycle 1 W19 Orchestra Vocabulary - articpixel

W19 Tutor's Script, W20 Tutor's Script, C1W21 Class Orch Plans, C1W22 Tutor Orch Plan,C1W23 Orch Tutor Plan, C1W24 Tutor's Orch Plan - scottooth

Orchestra Wks 19-24 - wenderbell

C1 Orchestra Lesson Plans & Visuals - nicoleliem

Orchestra booklet C1 -suzirsmith

Cycle 1 W19 Orchestra Vocabulary - articpixel

C1W20 Orch tutor script, C1W21 Orch tutor script, C1W22 Orch tutor script, C1W23 Orch tutor script C1W24 Orch tutor script Moonwaxing

Handel Water Music, Bach Well Tempered Clavier, Mozart Piano Concerto No. 22, Baroque Period: Handel & Bach, The Classical Period: Mozart Tutor script - magic tree house style - AejaNP

Handel's-Water-Music, bachcoloringpage, mozartcoloringpage - tammyoo

Handel Handout, Bach Handout, Mozart Handout - amandanease

Week 21 Orchestra Lesson Plan - Bach - jennedwards

Bach Trivia - jobarkocy

Bach-Handle-Baroque review - bbanas

Cycle 2

Orchestra Wks 19-24 - wenderbell

Tutor Script (19), Tutor Script (20), Tutor Script (21), Tutor Script (22), Tutor Script (23), Tutor Script (24)- scottooth

C2 w19 part 1 of 2 Orchestra.pdf and C2 w19 part 2 of 2 Orchestra.pdf - nicoleliem

SQUILTCycle2 - musicalmary

C2W20 Tutor Script Beethoven's 5th - moonwaxing

Sonatagator 2 - Aeseien4

Vocabulary Week 20 - ReneeH

Sonata_Signs - nicelle

Brahms Listening Map for Week 21 - rebeccamogensen

Visual aid for Brahms Symphony no - brandi515

CC C2W22 Dvorak Signs - thebrownclan03

Beethoven Script - tconq

dvorak new world symphony - ageefamily

Orchestra Terms - Cycle 2 - MargeryHilburn

Orchestra Bingo - Cycle 2 - MargeryHilburn

Cycle 3

C3 w19 Instruments - nicoleliem

Plan C3w19 orchestra - jveale

Orchestra Packet Wk 19-24 - wenderbell

Vocab cards for wks 19-24 - Arieal

Orchestra New Grammar - allie8302

C3W19-24Orchestra&ComposerFolder - amycarlton

Music Listening Ideas for Cycle 3 - cbeard

C3 Art/Cmpsr Cards to CC Weeks - bentkitchen

C3 W20 Tchaikovsky Bio and Vocab - sabrawillis

C3 w20 Tchaikovsky - nicoleliem

Classroom Orch Lesson Plan (20) - scottooth

Tchaikovsky - mtconq

CC C3 Composer Cards - print 2 sided and then cut in half - lorigrene

Tchaikovsky Flow Chart - Discarbunch

Tchaikovsky Listening Map and Draw - wenderbell

Tchaikovsky Flow Chart & Draw Pg - wenderbelle

C3 W21 Debussy Bio and Vocab - Sabrawillis

C3 w21 Debussy - Nicoleliem\

Classroom Orch Lesson Plan (21) - scottooth

Debussy Flow Chart and Drawing Page - wenderbell

C3 W21 Debussy - short bio and relevant youtube links - bbanas

Debussy Flow Chart - discarbunch

Debussy - la mer flow chart - maria422

Debussy - mtconq

C3 w22 Stravinsky - nicoleliem

Classroom Orch Lesson Plan (22) - scottooth

Stravinsky Flow Chart & Drawing Pg - wenderbell

Stravinsky - mtconq

Stravinsky Flow Chart-1 - discarbunch

C3 Orchestra Bingo Terms - ltalsness

C3 Orchestra Bingo Cards - ltalsness

Holly Kalton - 1 pg pdf comparing composers

C3 w23 Romantic-Modern - nicoleliem

Vocabulary Review - thestrublefamily

Lrg group orch plans (W23-24) - scottooth

weeks 23 & 24, Review tchaikovsky, Debussy, & Stravinsky (OLDER students) - Mom2Five

C3 w24 Modern - nicoliem

Final Week Time Filler - vocab match sherriellis