Cycle 1 Great Artists Demonstration Videos

Cycle 1 Great Artists Demonstration Videos

Week 13 - Giotto - CC Livermore - Giotto

CC Middleberg - Giotto (page 12)

Week 14 - Ghiberti - CC Livermore - Ghiberti and Ghiberti 2

CC Middleburg - Ghiberti (page 14)

Week 15 -Angelico CC LIvermore - Angelico

CC Middleburg- Angelico

Week 16 -Durer - CC LIvermore - Durer and Durer 2

CC Middleburg - Durer

Week 17 - Michelangelo - CC Livermore - Michelangelo - demonstration of frescos

CC Middleburg Michelangelo (pages 24-25) - Demonstration of lying down painting

Week 18 - El Greco - CC Middleburg El Greco (pages 26)