
NEW - now on Instagram:

Photography and DIY are not so different : the most dangerous people are those who enjoy it but don't know how to do it.

I'm dangerous at both, so it's up to you: you still can visit other parts of this site or even better go enjoy some works by actual photographers (Eugene Atget, Lewis W. Hine, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Capa, Jacob Riis, Berenice Abbott, Garry Winogrand, Reza, Choi Min-shik, Kim Ki-chan, Brassai...).

Stephane MOT 2003

I was born in Paris but prefer Seoul as a subject... actually, Paris is more an object to me. I need both cities, to alternate phases of quietness and stimulation. I like the way Seoul keeps changing, at the same time running away from death and precipitating it.

Hera are a few pictures I took in Seoul and Korea (you can also check my snapshots short vids on YouTube): - Copyright Stephane MOT 2003-2011

Warning, Weapons of Mass Disinformation / Attention, Armes de DĂ©sinformation Massive. Chief A to Z Officer

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blogules archives - blogules archives (VF) - footlog archives - Little Shop of Errors - Kim Mudangnim