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A few words before I fill this space.

I love the US as much as I love France or Korea. I need New York like I need Paris or Seoul. I don't need to live there to feel them in my heart. Do I prefer Chicago or Frisco to L.A. or Vegas ? Probably. Da Mets to The Yankees ? Definitely. Barack to George ? You betcha. And I too reject as false the choice between security and ideals.


Visit MOT in Louisiana !!! The most incredible place on earth and probably the most exciting crossroads in the north Bossier Parish. I actually can't find the words to describe it. - Copyright Stephane MOT 2003-2011

Warning, Weapons of Mass Disinformation / Attention, Armes de DĂ©sinformation Massive. Chief A to Z Officer

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my blogs: Seoul Village - blogules - blogules (VF) - footlog - mot-bile - Citizen Came -

blogules archives - blogules archives (VF) - footlog archives - Little Shop of Errors - Kim Mudangnim