Seoul Villages

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"A series of love letters to Seoul and its many alleyways" (The Korea Times)
"서울과 서울의 수많은 골목길들을 향한 일련의 연애편지" (코리아 타임즈) 

"Let's dive into the surreal world built by this urbanism enthusiast (KBS World Radio)
"열렬한 도시주의자가 지은 초현실의 세계 속으로의 다이브" (KBS 월드 라디오) 

"Rarement je me suis plongée avec autant de bonheur dans un livre écrit par un Occidental sur la Corée! Stéphane Mot voit la Corée de derrière, la Corée des invisibles. La Corée des esprits et des chamanes, Séoul, ses rues, son âme et ses âmes qui me touchent tant. Bravo !" (Juliette Morillot) 


(English Edition) Don't try to escape this ghost neighborhood, don't waste your energy tearing off that plant, and don't even think about catching Korea's most elusive shaman: you just can't shake off death. So let this fictional Seoul claim your soul.
=> Download the free ebook on Google Play Books:
'Seoul Villages: Guisin-dong and other Seoul villages' (EN)

(Korean Edition) 귀신 든 이 동네를 벗어나려고 들지 말고, 저기 초목을 뽑아내겠다고 괜한 헛수고도 하지 말 것이다. 그리고 한국 무당들 중 가장 포착하기 어렵다는 이 무당을 한 번 잡아보려는 가당치 않은 생각은 아예 접기 바란다: 죽음이란 그렇게 뿌리칠 수 있는 것이 아니다. 그러니 이 소설적 서울에 당신의 영혼을 순순히 맡기도록.
=> Download the free ebook on Google Play Books:
"서울 마을들: 귀신동 그리고 다른 서울 도시 전설들" (KR) 

(French Edition) A la rencontre d'un Séoul onirique, douze fictions empreintes de réalisme magique : Guisin-dong / L’Année du Chien / de Vermis Seoulis / Sweat dream / Neige Sale / Korean Wave / Tchik ! / Comin’up next / La Métamorphose de Séoul / (Ruelles – Ogin-dong, Automne) / A la recherche de Kim Mudangnim / (Ruelles – Sajik-dong, Hiver).
=> Download the free ebook on Google Play Books:
"Séoul Villages - Guisin-dong et autres villages de Séoul" (FR) 

(Bilingual English-Korean Edition)
=> Download the free ebook on Google Play Books:
"서울 마을들 (Seoul Villages - Bilingual Edition): 귀신동 그리고 다른 서울 도시 전설들" (EN/KR)
귀신동 / 개의 해 / 데 베르미스 서울리스(de Vermis Seoulis) / 스웨트 드림 (Sweat dream) / 검은 눈 (Black Snow) / 코리안 웨이브 (Korean wave) / 칡! / 다음 순서 / 서울 변신 / (골목길들 – 옥인동, 가을) / 김무당님을 찾아서 / (골목길– 사직동, 언젠가)

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'Seoul Villages' includes 12 'Seoul dragedies', among which 'Year Of The Dog', and 'Guisin-dong' .

Download for free 'Seoul Villages', 'Year Of The Dog', and 'Guisin-dong' on Google Play Books  along with my other free ebooks. Any comments and reviews are welcome (e.g. on dragedies website, on Google Play Books, on Goodreads, Neovel, Amazon...).

Interview with Jon Dunbar in Korea Times (20200506): "Short story anthology explores magical realism in Seoul alleys"

Seoul Villages:

Reminder: Seoul is not just my main character for fiction: meet this shapeshifting and elusive city in my blog (places, things, beings, cityscapes...), or in the essay "Inhuman, all too human Seoul".

'Seoul Villages' - Copyright © Stephane MOT 2013 - All rights reserved. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living, dead, or beyond those stages, is purely coincidental. - - Copyright Stephane MOT 2003-2023

Warning, Weapons of Mass Disinformation / Attention, Armes de Désinformation Massive.  Chief A to Z Officer

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