Stephane MOT - Author & Chief AtoZ Officer
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Site under renovation - sorry for the mess. You can also browse my blogs (, blogules, dragedies, Citizen Came...).
Welcome to my personal portal - Beware : recreational area. Drive carefully : author at play!
Download my free ebooks: 'Seoul Villages', 'Guisin-dong', 'Year of the Dog'...
More about 'SEOUL URBAN LEGENDS' ('서울 도시 전설'), the movie adaptation of my 'Seoul Villages' - stay tuned!
'Seoul Villages' - Get your free copy!
"A series of love letters to Seoul and its many alleyways" (The Korea Times). "Let's dive into (his) surreal world (KBS World Radio).Did you eat your 'dragedies'?
Worms in the city, books in the sky, trouble in the company... 17 dragédies stretching over three decades and three continents. Bonus: a few definitions, a few Seoul crumbs that somehow fell into my lap or lens."Impressions Papier Hanji"
now also on Kindle!
Author (fiction, satire, nonsense...) and conceptor (strategy, innovation, societal trends...).
Yes, also actor (Squid Game 2021)
Welcome to my 'junk writing' playground. Looking for Dr Jekyll ? The other Stephane MOT (ESSEC, startup veteran & advisor, member of the Seoul Global Center Business Advisory Committee...) is on LinkedIn.
Seoul is not only my main character for fiction: meet this shapeshifting and elusive city in my blog (places, things, beings, cityscapes...), or in the essay "Inhuman, all too human Seoul".
Mentions, interviews, articles, op eds: Los Angeles Times, International Herald Tribune, Le Figaro, Rue89, iNews, Asia Times, Korea Times, Korea Herald, Korea JoongAng Daily...
mot (noun, masc.) : French word for... "word". 1 - significant unit. 2 - insignificant author. i.e. 'so when you said Stephane is French, it was not just a bon mot?'
=> more about the author
dragedy (noun, fem. - pl. dragedies) : bittersweet candy and preemptive death notice. Etym. dragée (tiny, hard confectionery) and "tragédie" (death's foreplay). i.e. 'If I read his dragedies ? I almost choked on them !'
=> more about dragedies
blogule (noun) : 1 - small, poorly written, nonsensical blog. 2 - Junk writing polluting the web. i.e. 'He keeps spilling too many red blogules - Should we worry for our own health ?'
=> more about blogules
I usually navigate between serious fiction and inept satire, because such is life. This excuse for a site was created on 20030303 and recently moved from Yahoo! to Google. Not all pages have been transferred yet. Eventually, you shall find some stuff about the things, places, and beings I like, as well as some literature about my non-literature.
CAVIAR KILLS. - Copyright Stephane MOT 2003-2009 스테판 모
Warning, Weapons of Mass Disinformation / Attention, Armes de Désinformation Massive.
my books : - official Facebook group - - Amazon Author Page
my blogs: blogules - blogules (VF) - Seoul Village - footlog - mot-bile - Citizen Came -
blogules archives - blogules archives (VF) - footlog archives - Little Shop of Errors - Kim Mudangnim