Bike Path to be repaired along Cheshire Road - July 13-15

Post date: May 31, 2018 8:23:41 PM

Last fall the HOA Board learned that the Bike paths on our common area property (Cheshire Rd. and Bramiller Rd.) are the HOA's responsibility to maintain. After discussions with the city, The city Shade Tree Commission, and AEP we had the London Plane Trees removed along the Bike path that runs parallel to Cheshire Rd. These were shallow root trees that were causing the bike path to crack and create tripping hazard. The trees were also on a schedule to be cut back at least 15 feet from the power lines. The HOA,along with the city and AEP, worked out a plan to have the trees removed. The HOA this spring had the stumps removed. We have signed a contract with Sheedy Paving to remove and replace the bike path from the corner of Cheshire Rd. and Cheshire Crossing Dr. up to where the bike path meets the intersection of the path that leads to Ruby Red. Please see picture attached of the area marked for removal and replacement. Once this work is completed, the HOA will work with out landscaper to repair the grass and also replace trees near the entrance of Cheshire Crossing and along the path on the opposite of the fence. If you have any questions please let us know.