The Lady Vanishes: Alma Hitchcock's Crêpes Elizabeth

adapted from a recipe in Alma Hitchcock: The Woman Behind the Man, by Pat Hitchcock-O'Donnell & Laurent Bouzereau

Makes 10-12

1 1/8 cups all purpose flour

4 tablespoons sugar

1 pinch of salt

3 large eggs

1 1/2 cups milk

1 tablespoon butter, melted - and more for frying

1 tablespoon Kirsch (Cherry-flavored Brandy)

15-20 strawberries (depending on size), sliced or diced

sugar, for sprinkling

2 tablespoons slivered blanched almonds

Add flour, sugar and salt in mixing bowl, stir to combine. In a separate bowl, beat eggs lightly then add and milk. Now slowly add the eggs/milk to the dry ingredients. Whisk until batter becomes smooth. (According to Mrs. Hitchcock, “It should coat a spoon. If it is too thick, stir in a little more milk.”) Now, add the tablespoon melted butter and the Kirsch, stir to combine. Let mixture stand at room temperature for 1-2 hours.

Heat an 8-inch frying pan to medium and add 2 teaspoons of (cold) butter. Swirl to coat pan. Add correct amount of batter and also swirl around. (NOTE: Expect to mess up at least one or two in the beginning until you get the hang of it.) Using a spatula, keep crepe from sticking to the sides and check to see how it looks underneath. As soon as you start seeing some browning, gently and carefully flip the crepe. When that side is done, remove to a plate.

For the rest of the crepes, you should only need about 1/2 teaspoon butter per. Repeat until all crepes are done.

Prepare a buttered, shallow ovenproof dish or pan. Turn oven to Broil.

Place about 2 tablespoons of strawberries in a row a little closer to you than halfway. Now sprinkle sugar (to taste) on the strawberries, and gently roll each crepe and place in the buttered pan. Repeat until done. Now, sprinkle the crepes with some blanched sliced almonds (Mrs. Hitchcock suggests shredding and buttering whole blanched almonds, but I got lazy on this step). Now place the pan under the broiler just until “the crepes blister.”

Serve with whipped cream or ice cream.

All original content © Copyright 2010-11 by Ron Deutsch. Permission required for any republishing.

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