The Lady Eve: Roast Beef with Ale Jus

Serves 6

3 pounds boneless prime rib roast

2 teaspoons kosher salt

1 tablespoon cracked black pepper

2 teaspoons garlic powder

2 teaspoons onion powder (feel free to improvise with other spice mixtures)

3 tablespoons canola oil

1 medium onion, quartered

1 cup beef broth

1 12-ounce bottle of beer (I used Fool Moon Pale Rye Ale)

Let roast come to room temperature. Pre-heat over to 450*F.

Mix salt, pepper, garlic, and onion powders together.

Coat roast with oil, then dust with spice mixture. Pat spices to get them to stick on well.

Put roast on rack in roasting pan, scatter onions. Roast in oven, for 20 minutes, then reduce temperature to 350*F. Continue cooking until it reaches desired internal temperature, about an hour. (I recommend investing in a good meat thermometer. It'll be your friend.)

RARE: 120*F




WELL: 160*F

When meat is done, let sit, covered in foil, for 15 minutes. (Seriously, do not jump the gun!)

Place pan on stove, turn on burners, add broth and beer and stir with wooden spoon, scraping dried bits to make the "jus." Let it reduce a bit.

Slice and serve with jus.

Note: Don't reheat meat, simply make cold sandwiches or salad with leftovers. You can reheat the jus to pour over the sandwiches, if you please.

Note: Feel free to improve or improvise by using different spice mixtures.

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