Coup de Torchon: Fish Yassa

serves 4

For Marinade/Sauce:

2 cloves garlic, minced

1/2 to 1 habanero chile, seeded & minced

3 tablespoons canola oil

1/2 cup lemon or lime juice

4 tablespoons dijon mustard

1 1/2 tablespoons white or rice vinegar

1 teaspoon honey

1 teaspoon asian fish sauce

1 teaspoon cayenne or paprika

1 bay leaf

salt and pepper, to taste

4 6-ounce firm fish fillets - tilapia, perch, sea bream, or salmon

4 medium sweet onions, cut into thin rings

1 tablespoon canola oil

1/3 cup water

parsley for garnish, minced

Wash fish under water and dry with paper towels.

Mix marinade ingredients together in non-reactive sealable container. Add fish. Add onions. Seal & shake. Refrigerate for 1 hour.

Remove fish from marinade (hold in fridge until ready to cook). Remove onions from marinade with slotted spoon. Reserve marinade.

Preheat grill, broiler, or grill pan.

Add 1 tablespoon oil to large saucepan. When hot, add onions and cook, covered on medium heat, occasionally stirring, until they start caramelizing. Add marinade and stir. Add water, bring to boil, lower heat to simmer and reduce slightly. Stir occasionally. Then hold at low temperature.

Cook fish on grill or grill pan or in broiler till just nearly done (about 4 minutes per side). Remove fish and set over marinade & onions to finish cooking, raising pan to medium heat.

To serve remove fish gently so it won't break up, smother with sauce & onions (or lay fish on top). Sprinkle with parsley. Accompany with white or jasmine rice.

NOTE: If using whole fish: cut several slits, diagonally, into the fish, this will help with the marinating. Preferably de-bone.

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All original content © Copyright 2010-11 by Ron Deutsch. Permission required for any republishing.