Invasion of the Body Snatchers: Boiled Edamame (枝豆 - Soybeans in the Pod)

Serves 6 as an appetizer or snack

1 pound fresh or frozen edamame (in their pods)

1/2 tablespoon sea salt

Kosher salt

If using fresh edamame: Rinse and snip stems.

Prepare an ice bath.

Bring a large pot of water with the 1/2 tablespoon of sea salt to boil. When water reaches a rolling boil, add edamame and stir once gently. For fresh edamame, boil for 3-4 minutes; for frozen, 2-3 minutes. Do not cover pot. Edamame should be softened but not soft and retain its bright color.

When done, quickly drain, then submerge pods in the ice bath. Remove after a minute, drain, then drop into a clean dish towel and shake a few times, then toss in bowl with Kosher salt to taste (Hint: taste one before salting). Serve.

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