Cul-de-Sac: Donald Pleasence's Fillet of Sole Bonne Femme

Serves 4

4 6-ounce fillets of Sole, Tilapia, or other firm white fish

1 cup fish stock (see Note)

1/2 pound button, or white mushrooms - quartered

1 Portabella mushroom cap, halved and sliced 1/2” strips (6-8 ounces)

2 shallots, finely chopped

1 tablespoon butter

parchment paper

1 bouquet garni

1 cup white wine

1 teaspoon lemon juice

1 tablespoon olive oil

for Buerre Manie:

2 tablespoons flour

2 tablespoons butter

(Note: You can make fish stock from scratch as according to Donald: "using the head & bones, etc. or an extra fillet. Put in a sauce pan, add a cup of water and simmer for 10 minutes. Strain. Season to taste." So I'll recommend salt and pepper to taste, and it wouldn't hurt to toss in a shallot.)

Preheat oven to 350*F.

Cut a piece of parchment paper to fit over the baking dish. Smear butter on one side to cover it. Reserve.

Put fillets in bottom of a buttered shallow baking dish. Sprinkle with shallots and button mushrooms. Add just enough wine to cover fish (you'll need the rest of the cup of wine for later, “but no more than 1 cup altogether," per Donald's instructions) and the fish stock.

Now add the bouquet garni and bring dish to boil. Remove from stove carefully, cover with the buttered paper, and bake in oven for 10 minutes.

Drain off the liquid from the baking dish in a sauce pan. Add the rest of the white wine (remember - the total wine used is no more than 1 cup altogether). Keep warm.

For Beurre Manie, Mr. Pleasence instructs: "Knead the flour and butter with fingers as though you were rubbing fine pastry. Form into small balls and add them to the reserved liquid, stirring well. It will thicken."

In another pan, sauté the Portabellas in olive oil and lemon juice.

Pour Beurre Manie sauce over the sole and decorate with the Portabellas. Place under grill to brown lightly and glaze. Remove the bouquet garni before serving.

This goes nicely with some roasted potatoes and steamed green vegetables.

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