Q: The Winged Serpent: Papatzules w/Chiltomate Sauce (Warmed Tortillas Stuffed w/Hard-Boiled Egg, Pumpkin Sauce & Tomato Sauce)

adapted from a cooking demonstration by Ricardo Muñoz Zurita, at the 2010 CIA/San Antonio Latin Flavors conference (PDF)

Serves 6

3 ounces pumpkin seeds, raw

1 1/3 cups water

30 epazote leaves (if you can't get epazote you can use about a 1/2 bunch of chopped cilantro)

1/4 teaspoon salt, plus more to taste for sauces

4 hard-boiled eggs, peeled and chopped

9 regular-sized corn tortillas (or 18 small ones)

For Chiltomate sauce:

1 habanero chile, whole

2 pounds Roma tomatoes

1/4 cup white onion, diced

1 cup water

cilantro, for garnish

Dry roast pumpkin seeds in skillet until slightly golden. Be careful not to burn them. Cool and grind in spice grinder, small food processor, or by hand. Reserve.

Bring water and epazote leaves to a boil, and then let steep for 5 minutes to infuse flavor of the epazote in the water. Remove from heat and set aside to cool. You can either discard all the leaves or keep about half of them to blend. Reserve.

Combine the chopped hard-boiled eggs with 1/4 teaspoon salt. Reserve.

In a blender or food processor, combine ground pumpkin seed with epazote-infused water until smooth. Season with salt to taste. Warm the pumpkin seed sauce on low heat - do not boil.

Heat the tortillas (either in dry pan, comal, or microwave) until pliable but still firm. Using tongs or preferably your hand, pass the tortillas through the pumpkin sauce one by one. Use hands and then rub in sauce, then dip again. Put on plate and stuff each with egg. Roll to form tacos.

Spoon some more pumpkin sauce over tortillas, then spoon some Chiltomate sauce (don't smother it), as well. Garnish with cilantro. Serve immediately.

For Chiltomate sauce: Dry roast tomatoes and habanero in skillet. The habanero should almost be black. Process tomato and onion (NOT PEPPER) in a blender until smooth. Pour sauce in a saucepan, and add the whole roasted habanero (do not cut or break pepper). Add 1 cup of water and cook until sauce thickens. Season with salt to taste.

All original content © Copyright 2010-11 by Ron Deutsch. Permission required for any republishing.

Original Post Found Here: http://chef-du-cinema.blogspot.com/2011/12/tv-bites-q-winged-serpent.html