Mean Streets: Zeppole

Serves 8

1 teaspoon yeast

1 1/8 cups lukewarm water

1 tablespoon sugar (+ 1/2 teaspoon for yeast starter)

2 cups All-Purpose Flour

1 pinch salt

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 tablespoons vegetable shortening, such as Crisco

1/2 teaspoon baking powder

vegetable oil, for frying

powdered sugar, for serving

Add yeast and 1/2 teaspoon sugar to water and let sit for 5 minutes. If yeast doesn't start activating, get fresh yeast.

In a food processor or KitchenAid, with dough attachment, add all the ingredients, then pour yeast water in. Pulse to begin with, then mix for a minute or so to combine. The dough should be thicker than pancake batter, but lighter than a bread dough. Cover and allow to rise for 1 hour.

Meanwhile, heat oil to 375*.

When dough is ready, wet hands and grab about a golf ball size of dough and drop it in the hot oil. Fry until golden all around. Remove, let thoroughly drain on paper towels or bag.

To serve, spinkle with as much powdered sugar you can handle and eat.

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