10 x10: Book Three

Ten Ten-Minute Plays

by Kenneth P. Langer

An interstellar Do Not Disturb sign, a smart watch that may be a little too smart, love found in a silent meditation retreat, two former circus clowns enter a boxing ring, and an entire conversation with only three words are just some of the humorous and and dramatic situations found in this third collection of ten-minute plays. Each one is designed to be produced with just a few actors, a few props, and within one or two simple settings. They are easy to perform or fun to just read.

  • ISBN: 978-1-949464-20-7

  • Publication Date: 2021

  • Retail Price: $ 11.99

  • E-book Price: $ 3.99

  • Edition: First

  • Pages: 158

  • Illustrations: NONE

  • Binding: Perfect

  • Features:

    • Ten complete plays


Down And Out - A Comedy

Two thieves down on their luck attempt to rob a house but get more than they bargained for.

Keeping Distance - A Comedy

A radio telescope at a space observatory research facility receives a strange signal from some celestial neighbors but the message is not a friendly one.

Watching Over - A Comedy

While waiting patiently for a late bus, a businessperson is reminded of daily tasks and misdeeds by a watch with its own personality.

Love Under Construction - A Comedy

The performance of a romantic scene is interrupted by a set designer who thinks the characters on stage are only rehearsing.

OMMG - A Comedy

Two people attend a meditation session looking for spiritual enlightenment but, instead, they find each other.

The Goodlands - A Comedy

A charismatic leader brings his followers to the desert to start a new utopian life but the plan quickly falls apart.

We Men - A Comedy

Two guys at a bar become confused when one is suddenly turned into a woman.

What Comes Round - A Comedy

Two boxers enter the ring not knowing that they had known each other and were bitter enemies long before they became fighters.

Yes, No, Maybe - A Sexual Comedy

How much trouble can three people get into with just three words?

The Ant Farm - A Drama

Two people discuss the effects of a hostile takeover the likes of which the world has never seen before.

Full texts of the plays can be found at Scripts For Stage