Previous Guests
Below is a list of artists who have appeared at the club since records started to be maintained :-
21/05/23 - Rik Roberts
16/04/23 -The Southsiders
26/02/21 - Mossy Christian (virtual guest)
29/01/21 - Tom Kitching (virtual guest)
11/12/20 - Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne (virtual guest)
13/03/20 - Virginia Kettle
14/02/20 - Steve Turner
17/01/20 - Paul Walker and Karen Pfeiffer
13/12/19 - Chris Elliott and Caitlin Jones
18/10/19 - Bruce Watson
20/09/19 - Colum Sands with Adrianne Mininski
13/07/19 - Arthur Marshall
07/06/19 - Yesterdays Men with Gerry Ffrench (Arts Centre)
24/05/19 - Nick Wyke and Beki Driscoll (Arts Centre)
10/05/19 - Dick Miles
12/04/19 - Andy Leb and Dave Clark
15/03/19 - Anahata and Mary Humphreys
15/02/19 - Michelle Holding and Bonz
18/01/19 - Alan Reid and Rob van Sante
14/12/18 - Anthony John Clarke
23/11/18 - Gerry Ffrench
02/11/18 - Fil Campbell and Tom McFarland
12/10/18 - Sunjay
20/07/18 - Jez Lowe
29/06/18 - Doc Harvey and the Philistans
18/05/18 - Maggie Holland
04/05/18 - Fraser Nimmo
13/04/18 - Mark Dowding
16/03/18 - Lucy Emmett and Friends
09/03/18 - Jinski
09/02/18 - Ninebarrow
12/01/18 - Paul Walker and Karen Pfeiffer
08/12/17 - Brian Peters
17/11/17 - Kieran Halpin
27/10/17 - Rob Murch and Michelle Holding
20/10/17 - Alice Jones
08/09/17 - Tom Kitching and Jon Loomes
14/07/17 - Chris Cleverley
23/06/17 - Nelson Peach
26/05/17 - Bob Fox
21/04/17 - Dick Miles
10/03/17 - Broom Bezzums
17/02/17 - Quicksilver
20/01/17 - Steve Turner
16/12/16 - Stanley Accrington
18/11/16 - Alzheimers Charity Night
14/10/16 - Yesterday's Men with Keith Price
23/09/16 - Pilgrim's Way
16/09/16 - Pete Coe
19/08/16 - Anthony John Clarke
05/08/16 - Heartstrings
15/07/16 - Notts Alliance
17/06/16 - Tom McConville
13/05/16 - Hannah Sanders and Ben Savage
15/04/16 - Dan McKinnon
18/03/16 - Union Jill
19/02/16 - Pete Abbott
15/01/16 - John Kelly
11/12/15 - Phil Cockerham Trio
20/11/15 - Fil Campbell with Tom McFarland
13/11/15 - Maria Dunn with Shannon Johnson
16/10/15 - Bob Fox
18/09/15 - John Kirkpatrick
07/08/15 - Bandersnatch
17/07/15 - Tom Lewis
19/06/15 - Les Barker
22/05/15 - Michelle Holding and Bonz
08/05/15 - Corvus
17/04/15 - Brian Peters
13/03/15 - Jeff Warner
20/02/15 - Broom Bezzums
16/01/15 - Jez Lowe
12/12/14 - Doc Harvey and the Philistans
21/11/14 - Bright Season
17/10/14 - Joe Topping
03/10/14 - Brennan and Buchanan
12/09/14 - Anthony John Clarke
15/08/14 - Phil Cockerham Trio
25/07/14 - Risky Business
11/07/14 - Dave Ellis and Boo Howard
13/06/14 - Nick Dow
16/05/14 - Eileen McGann with David K
11/04/14 - Tania Opland and Mike Freeman
21/03/14 - Colum Sands
14/03/14 - Quicksilver
21/02/14 - Scolds Bridle
17/01/14 - Tony Downes
13/12/13 - Stanley Accrington
15/11/13 - Steve Turner
18/10/13 - Jeff Davis with Brian Peters
13/09/13 - Bryony Griffith and Will Hampson
09/08/13 - Bernard Cromarty
26/07/13 - Fake Thackray
12/07/13 - Greg Russell & Ciaran Algar
07/06/13 - Ian Bruce
17/05/13 - Anthony John Clarke
19/04/13 - Nelson Peach
08/03/13 - Roy Clinging
15/02/13 - Notts Alliance
21/12/12 - Bandersnatch
23/11/12 - Downtrodden String Band
19/10/12 - Jinski
12/10/12 - Brian Peters
14/09/12 - Roger Davies
31/08/12 - Kath Reade
09/03/12 - John Kelly
24/02/12 - Anthony John Clarke
27/01/12 - Pilgrims Way
09/12/11 - Bandersnatch
25/11/11 – Steve Turner
21/10/11 - Doc Harvey and the Philistans
29/07/11 - Kenny Speirs and Judy Dinning
06/05/11 - Downtrodden String Band
04/03/11 - Brian Peters
19/11/10 - Kieran Halpin
22/10/10 - Barron Brady
08/10/10 – Tich Frier
02/07/10 - Ian Bruce
Here are a couple of youtube clips he recorded at the club
Firstly Ian singing 'Gone For The Day'
and then singing 'Comin Hame'
04/06/10 - Stanley Accrington
30/04/10 - Bandersnatch
23/04/10 - Anthony John Clarke
19/02/10 - Notts Alliance
29/01/10 - Pete Coe
20/11/09 - Brian Peters
13/11/09 - Marian Bradfield
30/10/09 - Quicksilver
23/10/09 - Barron Brady
16/10/09 - John Kelly
18/09/09 - Steve Turner
10/07/09 - Steve Jinski
26/06/09 - Bandersnatch
12/06/09 – Lyra Celtica
05/06/09 - Tania Opland and Mike Freeman
29/05/09 – Alternative Therapy
15/05/09 - Bob Fox
23/04/09 - Steve Tilson
03/04/09 - Ian Bruce
20/03/09 - Anthony John Clarke
06/03/09 - Ember
27/02/09 - Andy Clarke
06/02/09 - Pint and Dale
31/10/08 - Jez Lowe (solo spot)
10/10/08 - Ron Trueman-Border
03/10/08 - Ken Perlman
19/09/08 - Marie Little
27/06/08 - Clarke Buehling
20/06/08 - Mike Agranoff
16/05/08 - Lyra Celtica
09/05/08 - Amazing Mr Smith
18/04/08 - Bernard Carney
21/03/08 - Tich Frier
22/02/08 - Pete Abbott
15/02/08 - John Kelly
14/12/07 - Brian Peters
16/11/07 - Howden Jones
09/11/07 - Ian Bruce
02/11/07 – Roy Clinging
19/10/07 - Zingari Swing
12/10/07 - Queensberry Rules
28/09/07 - Trebuchet
07/09/07 – Bandersnatch
17/08/07 - Ember
20/07/07 – Steve Turner
06/07/07 - Galliard
22/06/07 – Tom Bliss
25/05/07 – Amazing Mr Smith
18/05/07 - Lyra Celtica
04/05/07 - Anthony John Clarke
06/04/07 - Dave Walmesley
16/03/07 - Jim Malcolm
23/02/07 - Bob Fox
08/12/06 – Ian Bruce
24/11/06 - Elbow Jane
17/11/06 - Ember
27/10/06 - Sad Pig
13/10/06 - Pete Quin
15/09/06 - Steve and Kristi Nebel
01/09/06 - Jeff Warner
18/08/06 – Queensberry Rules
21/07/06 – Zingari Swing
14/07/06 - Brian Peters
07/07/06 - Robin Laing
23/06/06 – John Kelly
16/06/06 – Solan
09/06/06 – Ian Bruce
26/05/06 – Joe Topping and Joe Wright
19/05/06 - Miv Cameron Band
12/05/06 – Anthony John Clarke
28/04/06 – Gentleman Soldier
21/04/06 – Phil Hare
07/04/06 – Clive Leyland
24/03/06 - Quicksilver (Hilary Spencer & Grant Baynham)
03/03/06 - Pete Quinn
17/02/06 - Colin Rudd
20/01/06 - Pete Coe
16/12/05 - Bandersnatch
09/12/05 - Ian Bruce
18/11/05 - Steve Tilson
11/11/05 - Pete Abbott
28/10/05 - Cloud Street
14/10/05 - Bernard Wrigley
07/10/05 - Scolds Bridle
30/09/05 - Stanley Accrington
16/09/05 - Tim Van Eyken
02/09/05 - Mike Agranoff
12/08/05 - Benji Kirkpatrick
29/07/05 - Steve Turner
08/07/05 - Mundy Turner
04/07/05 - Ken Pearlman
01/07/05 - Rose Doonan and Ben Murray
24/06/05 - Phil Hare
10/06/05 - Real Time (Kenny Spiers Band)
27/05/05 - Ian Bruce
20/05/05 - Pint and Dale
06/05/05 - Ben Sands
29/04/05 - Amazing Mr Smith
22/04/05 - Redmayne
15/04/05 - Anthony John Clarke
08/04/05 - Tom Napper and Tom Bliss
11/03/05 - Derek Gifford
04/03/05 - Solan
25/02/05 - Ken Nicol
18/02/05 - Tom and Barbara Brown
10/12/04 - Bandersnatch
03/12/04 - Joe Topping
19/11/04 - Tom McConville
29/10/04 - Jill Fielding Band
15/10/04 - Jez Lowe and Bad Pennies
08/10/04 - Eileen McGann and David K
01/10/04 - Ian Bruce
24/09/04 - Kieran Halpin
17/09/04 - Pint and Dale
03/09/04 - Mike Silver
30/07/04 - Tony Downes
16/07/04 - Tanya Opland and Mike Freeman
09/07/04 - Stanley Accrington
25/06/04 - Tich Frier
11/06/04 - John Harvison
28/05/04 - Robin Laing
21/05/04 - Jack Hudson
07/05/04 - Kate Howden and Paul Jones
16/04/04 - Pete Abbott
19/03/04 - Tim Van Eyken
12/03/04 - Roam
27/02/04 - Solan
21/02/04 - Huw Chidgey and Catherine Handley
20/02/04 - Bob Fox
06/02/04 - Queensberry Rules
23/01/04 - Mundy Turner
16/01/04 - Anthony John Clarke
12/12/03 - Ian Bruce
28/11/03 - Alistair Russell
21/11/03 - Kenny Spiers and Judy Dinning
14/11/03 - Hughes Brothers Reunion
07/11/03 - Dave Gibb
31/10/03 - Bernard Carney
10/10/03 - Phil Hare
03/10/03 - Clarke Buehling
26/09/03 - Tim Redman and Kate Bramley
12/09/03 - Jeff Davies (with Brian Peters)
29/08/03 - John Kelly
04/07/03 - Brian Peters
27/06/03 - Joe Broughton and Kevin Dempsey
13/06/03 - Jez Lowe
06/06/03 - Kieran Halpin
30/05/03 - Ken Nicol
16/05/03 - Pete Abbott
25/04/03 - Sad Pig
11/04/03 - Zingari Swing
28/03/03 - Amazing Mr Smith
21/03/03 - Judy Cook
14/03/03 - Kate Howden, Paul Jones, Tony Taffinder
28/02/03 - Pete Ryder
21/02/03 - Risky Business
14/02/03 - Joe Stead
07/02/03 - Scolds Bridle
17/01/03 - Anthony John Clarke
06/12/02 - Kathryn Roberts and Sean Lakeman
29/11/02 - Alistair Russell
22/11/02 - Ian Bruce
16/11/02 - Kevin Dempsey and Joe Broughton (Another Saturday Special!)
08/11/02 - RJ3 (Robb Johnson with Miranda Sykes and Saskia Tomkins)
25/10/02 - Ken Nicol
18/10/02 - Jim Malcolm
11/10/02 - Kimbers Men (with Joe Stead)
05/10/02 - Tim Readman
04/10/02 - ROAM
27/09/02 - Mike Silver
20/09/02 - SOLAN
30/08/02 - Real Time (Kenny Spiers Band)
09/08/02 - Pete Abbott
02/08/02 - Jack Hudson
05/07/02 - Hugh Chidgey and Nick Durham
28/06/02 - Leon Rosselson
14/06/02 - Ken Pearlman
07/06/02 - Roy Wilcock and Bridget Guest
24/05/02 - Jez Lowe and the Bad Pennies
17/05/02 - Anthony John Clarke
10/05/02 - Hilary Spencer with Grant Baynam
03/05/02 - Maurice Dixon
26/04/02 - Amazing Mr. Smith
12/04/02 - Jimmy Crowley
29/03/02 - Ginny Hawker and Tracy Schwartz
08/03/02 - Steve Tilston
01/03/02 - Risky Business
22/02/02 - Gibb Todd
08/02/02 - Robb Johnson
25/01/02 - Dave Heggs
21/12/01 - XMAS Party 2001
14/12/01 - Ian Bruce
30/11/01 - Alistair Russell
24/11/01 - Carl Shuttleworth and Martin charity special
16/11/01 - Derek Gifford
09/11/01 - Jim Malcolm
02/11/01 - Ken Nicol
26/10/01 - Nancy Kerr and James Fagan
12/10/01 - Solan
05/10/01 - Ben Sands and Rosemary Woods
21/09/01 - Pete Ryder
07/09/01 - John Harvison
17/08/01 - John Wright Band
27/07/01 - Trevor Carter
13/07/01 - Anthony John Clarke
06/07/01 - Jim Malcolm
22/06/01 - Mark Reader
15/06/01 - Bob Fox
08/06/01 - Kate Horton and Pete Howden
18/05/01 - Colum Sands
11/05/01 - Mundy Turner
04/05/01 - Steve Tilston
27/04/01 - Amazing Mr Smith
16/03/01 - Kenny Spiers
09/03/01 - Roam
25/02/01 - Solan
15/12/00 - Bill Jones
02/12/00 - Evening With ... Ian Bruce
01/12/00 - Brian Peters
24/11/00 - Jim Malcolm
10/11/00 - Anthony John Clarke
20/10/00 - Paul Cherrington and Pamela Ward
13/10/00 - Sean O'Rourke and Bob Fox (replacing Chuck Fleming)
29/09/00 - Redmayne
08/09/00 - Alien Folk Life
18/08/00 - John Wright Band
28/07/00 - Roam
14/07/00 - Galliard
07/07/00 - George Borowski
23/06/00 - Pint and Dale
16/06/00 - Ian Bruce
09/06/00 - Ken Pearlman
05/05/00 - John McCormick
28/04/00 - Tim Van Eyken
21/04/00 - Phil Hare
07/04/00 - Maurice Dixon
31/03/00 - Tich Frier
24/03/00 - Mark Reader
17/03/00 - Mike Silver
10/03/00 - Graham and Eileen Pratt
25/02/00 - Amazing Mr Smith
11/02/00 - Boot Scooters
14/01/00 - Risky Business
17/12/99 - Ian Bruce
03/12/99 - Jones and Reade
13/11/99 - Mundy Turner
12/11/99 - John Wright Band
05/11/99 - Ken Pearlman
29/10/99 - Opland and Freeman
15/10/99 - The Occupants
01/10/99 - Tim Green
24/09/99 - Steve Jinski
17/09/99 - Joe Stead
10/09/99 - Gary Hall
03/09/99 - Brian Peters
18/06/99 - Ian Bruce
07/05/99 - Amazing Mr Smith
23/04/99 - Julie Felix
09/04/99 - Whamaroonie
05/03/99 - Anthony John Clarke
26/02/99 - Dwight Diller and Dave Bing
18/12/98 - Bandwagon
20/11/98 - Ian Bruce
06/11/98 - Roy Wilcock and Bridget Guest
30/10/98 - Steve Prentice
23/10/98 - Mike Raven
11/09/98 - Bandwagon