june 2016

Bluewater Bulletin

Bluewater Model Engineering Society Sarnia, Ontario

Vol. 31 No.9 June 2016 Editor John Lovegrove

Our next Meeting and first of the new season will probably be on

Monday October 3rd, 2016 @ 7:30 pm

Northern Collegiate Machine Shop (Rm. 148), Indian Road, Sarnia.

The June Meeting

I was unable to attend the meeting so this newsletter has been put together from notes and photographs taken by Bruce Mannerow.

It was quite a good meeting with ~15 members in attendance. There was discussion about Murray Bennell’s Memorial BBQ being arranged by his daughter Sara; everyone from the club has been invited. (Unfortunately this newsletter will not be out in time to act as a reminder.)

Ed Spencer was at the meeting and even though he is still having knee problems he intends to run trains on the track in Komoka again this summer. (See our website for the schedule.)

The vote for the club logo was finalized and the decision (by a margin of one vote) went to Stu Brownlow’s wavy (Bluewater) design.

Tony Koolen talked about a possible field trip to an engineering company in Strathroy where he has a contact. This is dependent upon having something going through their shop that is worth seeing and arrangements will have to be made at short notice. We will let everyone know when the visit is scheduled (it will be before the bad weather arrives.) On this occasion safety glasses are mandatory so please bring a pair.

We have received information about the "Ontario Model Engineering Meet." This will be at the Hamilton Steam Museum on September 18th, from 10:00 – 5:00. Several people expressed an interest in going so we will discuss car-pooling nearer the time.

Our meeting schedule was discussed and the approach of having the first meeting early in October and a final meeting in June was favoured over the previous September – May arrangement.

Hobbyfest will be on Sunday July 17th this year. Set-up starts at 8:00 and the show runs from 10:00 until 3:00. Bruce and I will get the tents and tables there but help is needed to get everything set up (putting up the tents really required 4 people minimum.) We also

need a good display of models so please bring something along even if you cannot be there to help set up. We will have compressed air for "steam" engines and 120V electrical power will be available as well. At this point it is not clear whether the venue will be Canatara or Centennial Park but we will let everyone know which when the reminder is sent out.

Bruce has now tracked down the club Sievert Torch set-up so this is available to anyone who needs to borrow it.

Show and Tell

Alex Herpers brought along a layout plan of an original Shay six wheeler locomotive along with some castings for a 7 ¼" version that he has purchased. It has been partially completed.

The drawings.

Some of the completed parts

Keith Orr brought in two of his engines. One of them was the Tiny Power 2V-10 engine he has been working on recently. The other was the one he built a while ago. He is also in the process of making a generator that can be powered by one of the engines.

Keith's engines

One of John Sibbick’s locomotive support stands

John Sibbick brought in a pair of train jacks that can be used to raise and support a locomotive at both ends so that it can be turned upside-down, enabling work to be carried out on the underside.

Bruce brought along a short write-up (which included the picture below) on the Dardick Pistol (a magazine fed revolver with triangular shaped cartridges) - that he talked about two months ago. (This was just so everybody could see that he wasn’t crazy!)

Our Website


The TSME Newsletters


BMES Summer Party

Scheduled for August 24th – please save the date.

Provisional Meeting Schedule for the 2016- 2017 Season

Applications for use of school facilities cannot start until September 1st. I will be asking for the following dates and hopefully they will be allowed. If for some reason the dates (particularly that of the first meeting) are not accepted, I will let everyone know in good time.


October 3rd

November 14th

December 12th


January 9th

February 13th

March 20th (13th is March Break)

April 10th

May 8th

June 12th

John Lovegrove