OpenCrypto Alliance

IPFS Powers the Distributed Web

Jameson Lopp: Bitcoin Resources

Forbes, 2018-02-06:

The Richest People in Cryptocurrency

Infographic: An Overview of Compromised Bitcoin Exchange Events

Bitcoin Magazine, 2019-05-24

WooBull Charts:Investor Bitcoin and Altcoin Charts

Blockchain Lab

Bitcoin Visuals

Bitcoin Cash Website

Special report: Blockchain World, IEEE Spectrum, 2017-10-05

Researchers uncover likely author of original Bitcoin paper, Aston university, 2014-04-16

The Blockchain Man, RibbonFarm, 2017-10-??

Bitcoinpartiet i Sverige

Arcade City is peer-to-peer everything — with networks built by local communities, not corporations.

World Economic Forum Whitepaper: Realizing the Potential of Blockchain

Dansk Bitcoinforening

Svenska Bitcoinföreningen

use intuitive visualizations to explore ideas around the very concept of money itself.

The Internet Computer

Cryptocurrency news & Your Guide to the Blockchain Economy

Who is Hal Finney? Was He the Real Man Behind Bitcoin?, 101 blockchains, 2018-06-30

Who Created Bitcoin?, Bitcoin Magazine, 2019-06-28

Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index (CBECI), University of Cambridge, Judge Business School, 2019-07-02

Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index

Infographic: Bitcoin’s Market Cap in Perspective, Bitcoin Magazine, 2019-08-27

Bitcoin's Early Days: How Crypto's Past Is Much Different Than the Present, Bitcoin.com, 2019-09-09

Venezuelans Fighting Economic Hardship Discover Crypto's True Potential, Bitcoin.com, 2019-09-09

Cryptocurrency: Redefining the Future of Finance, Visual Capitalist, 2020-06-13

Data vs collateral, (PDF)BIS Working Papers No 881, 2020-09

The Crypto Rich List: Who are the world’s richest people in cryptocurrency?, BusinessCloud, 2021-02-17