BitTorrent just launched a TRON-based cryptocurrency token, TheNextWeb, 2019-01-03

New interbank platform shows Asia’s blockchain growth, AsiaTimes, 2019-01-07

Russia’s billions could trigger Bitcoin bull run next month, Micky, 2019-01-08

Hong Kong’s ‘Superman’ invests in new Bitcoin platform, AsiaTimes, 2019-01-09

Escobar Inc launching crypto to help ‘impeach Donald Trump’, AsiaTimes, 2019-01-14

Marshall Islands digital currency set to launch in mid-2019, AsiaTimes, 2019-01-18

Blockchain’s Occam problem, McKinsey&Company, 2019-01

Ethereum Plans to Cut Its Absurd Energy Consumption by 99 Percent, IEEE Spectrum, 2019-01-02

Will people ditch cash for cryptocurrency? Japan is about to find out, MIT Technology Review, 2019-01-22

BitTorrent giving Tron holders billions of free tokens, AsiaTimes, 2019-01-22

Is Cryptocurrency ‘The Mother of all Bubbles’? This Visualization Puts Things in Perspective, HowMuch.net, 2019-01-23

How Chinese cryptocurrency exchange Huobi is weathering the prolonged bitcoin bear market, South China Morning Post, 2019-01-22

Never mind Brexit, here comes Binance, AsiaTimes, 2019-01-23

Thailand aiming to challenge for Asian crypto leadership, AsiaTimes, 2019-01-30

Bitcoin for the biological literature, Nature, 2019-02-04

Bruce Schneier: There's No Good Reason to Trust Blockchain Technology, Wired, 2019-02-06

Binance to launch credit card-based trading platform, AsiaTimes, 2019-02-07

From Zero To Crypto Billionaire In Under A Year: Meet The Founder Of Binance, Forbes, 2019-02-07

Google aims to revolutionize blockchain, AsiaTimes, 2019-02-08

Efficient "Central Bank Digital Currency" is a Fantasy, Alt-M, 2019-02-11

Can blockchain power a cashless world?, AsiaTimes, 2019-02-15

A Human Rights Activist’s Response to Bitcoin Critics, Medium - Cryptocurrency, 2019-02-19

JPMorgan talks its new JPM Coin, Modern Consensus, 2019-02-19

Russian oil’s digital dance around the dollar, AsiaTimes, 2019-02-27

Exploring the future of blockchain tech through its history, Modern Consensus, 2019-03-01

Decentralized Finance: An Emerging Alternative to the Global Financial System, Visual Capitalist, 2019-03-06

Alibaba launches two blockchain subsidiaries, Asia Times, 2019-03-08

Blockchain defies critics, enters mainstream, Asia Times, 2019-03-09

Getting Banks to Latch onto Blockchain, Stanford Business School, 2019-03-13

IBM launches global crypto payment network, Asia Times, 2019-03-20

Two Sessions signal Chinese government support for blockchain, Technode, 2019-03-21

Shenzhen gets on the blockchain train, Asia Times, 2019-03-21

Inside the rise and fall (and rise?) of crypto mining giant Bitmain, South China Morning Post, 2019-03-27

Seoul blockchain platform to tackle ID theft, Asia Times, 2019-04-01

Broke Venezuelans turn to crypto bartering, Asia Times, 2019-04-04

Larry Sanger wants Everipedia to be a post-truth Wikipedia, Decrypt, 2019-04-05

Blockchain product developer Cobo offers new services, China daily, 2019-04-25

West Ham one (crypto network), Liverpool nil, Asia Times, 2019-05-01

Blockchain can help break the chains of modern slavery, but it is not a complete solution, the Conversation, 2019-05-02

Central Banks of Canada and Singapore conduct successful experiment for cross-border payments using Distributed Ledger Technology, Marketwatch, 2019-05-03

Microsoft Is Building an ID Verification Platform on Bitcoin, Bitcoin Magazine, 2019-05-13

AT&T is the First Mobile Carrier to Accept Payment in Cryptocurrency, AT&T, 2019-05-23

New Research Finds Estonia Challenging Switzerland’s Crypto Valley Blockchain Leadership, CoinJournal, 2019-05-02

Bank of Russia Eyes Proposal to Develop a Gold-Backed Cryptocurrency, Blockonomi, 2019-05-25

Dubai Land Department introduces Real Estate Self Transaction, Gulf News, 2019-05-28

Exploring Illegal Mining Camps in Western China, Bitcoin Magazine, 2019-05-30

this skyscraper proposes to hide cryptocurrency mining inside a water theme park in Tehran, Designboom, 2019-06-01

Cash, card or crypto, ETH Zurich, 2019-06-05

Study: 74 Percent of Bitcoin Mining Powered With Renewable Energy, Bitcoin Magazine, 2019-06-11

The Coinbase Card Expands to Six More European Countries, Bitcoin Magazine, 2019-06-12

Russian warning on US tech firm dominance, Asia Times, 2019-06-12

Bitcoin causing CO2 emissions comparable to Hamburg, TU Munich, 2019-06-13

Facebook’s Libra Is Here. But It Might Not Be What You Think, Bitcoin Magazine, 2019-06-18

How Will Facebook’s Libra “Blockchain” Really Work?, Medium-OneZero, 2019-06-18

Blockchain-Powered Professional Network Indorse Gets Backing From India’s Top Media Group, Coinmagazine, 2019-06-20

World needs blockchain ‘Geneva Convention’, Asia Times, 2019-06-21

New Report Highlights Merits of Bitcoin Investment Amidst Global Uncertainty, Bitcoin Magazine, 2019-06-21

Snowden: “Mass Surveillance Isn’t About Public Safety. It’s About Power.”, Bitcoin Magazine, 2019-06-27

Iranians are Using Free Energy in Mosques to Mine Crypto, Blockonomi, 2019-06-29

South Korea’s Second Biggest City Wants to Create a Local Cryptocurrency, Cointelegraph, 2019-07-01

Singapore Food Court Operator Kopitiam Now Accepts Crypto & Bitcoin Payments, Blockonomi, 2019-07-02

The United States of Crypto, The Coinbase Blog, 2019-07-04

Cryptocurrency mining is virtual electricity export: ICT minister, Tehran Times, 2019-07-07

Money and Democracy: Why You Never Get to Vote on the Most Important Part of Society, Bitcoin.com, 2019-07-09

Bitcoin Strengthens: Mining Difficulty & Dominance Rate on the Rise, Blockonomi, 2019-07-10

Introducing Lightning Payments, Fold - Medium, 2019-07-10

Opera Browser Adds Crypto Wallet: Tron & Bitcoin Supported, Blockonomi, 2019-07-12

Four ways blockchain could make the internet safer, fairer and more creative, The Conversation, 2019-07-12

Why Blockchain Still Matters, Techonomy, 2019-07-15

Congressmen: Bitcoin “unstoppable,” Libra not that bad , Decrypt, 2019-07-17

Richmond Hill, Ont. residents will soon be able to pay property taxes in Bitcoin, Global News, 2019-07-17

Blockchain-Based Travala.com Teams Up with Dash For Hotel Booking Payments,Blockchain News, 2019-07-18

Op Ed: Bitcoin, Native Currency of the Internet, Restores the Law of Nature, Bitcoin Magazine, 2019-07-15

Daimler launches hardware Car Wallet with RIDDLE&CODE, Blockchain News, 2019-07-22

Chinese Court Declares Bitcoin As Legal Property, Blockonomi, 2019-07-22

After Year of Hype, Bakkt Soft Launches With Closed Beta, Bitcoin Magazine, 2019-07-22

Kjos’ sønn satser millioner på bitcoin – og familien er snart klar med kryptobørs, Dagens Næringsliv, 2019-07-23

Black Mirror: 1984-Like Authoritarian Blockchains are a Real Thing, Blockonomi, 2019-07-26

Venezuela Uses Bitcoin to Circumvent U.S. Sanctions, Bitcoin Magazine, 2019-07-26

Bank of China Releases Weirdly Optimistic Bitcoin Article, Blockonomi, 2019-07-29

City in Brazil to Accept Bitcoin for Public Transportation, Bitcoin Magazine, 2019-07-29

China Could Be About To Throw Its Weight Behind Bitcoin, Forbes, 2019-07-29

Singapore continues to be a hotbed for crypto companies in 2019, ASEAN Today, 2019-07-30

Gartner blockchain hype cycle 2019: 60% CIOs to adopt within 3 years, Ledger Instights, 2019-07

“Crypto rogue” nations want to use blockchains to undermine the US dollar, MIT Technology review, 2019-08-01

Implications for Bitcoin Now That 85 Percent of Supply Has Been Mined, Bitcoin Magazine, 2019-08-02

Bitcoin vs Gold: Pompliano Says Peter Schiff Will Live to Regret Bitcoin Aversion, Blockonomi, 2019-08-02

Iran's government recognises cryptocurrency mining with caveat, Al Jazeera, 2019-08-05

Blockchain and future of digital marketing, Tehran Times, 2019-08-06

How the New Erlay Protocol Could Speed Up the Bitcoin Network, Bitcoin Magazine, 2019-08-09

China's sovereign digital currency is 'almost ready': PBOC official, Reuters, 2019-08-12

Five ways to build profits from blockchain enterprises, UNSW Business Think, 2019-08-13

Central banks drive demand for bitcoin by devaluing their currencies, Nikkei Asian Review, 2019-08-21

How blockchain can solve the fake news problem, The London Economics, 2019-08-21

Some crypto-criminals think jumping across blockchains covers their tracks. Big mistake., MIT Technology Review, 2019-08-22

Employees connect nuclear plant to the internet so they can mine cryptocurrency, ZDNet, 2019-08-22

Alibaba, Tencent, Five Others To Receive First Chinese Government Cryptocurrency, Forbes, 2019-08-27

Walmart’s Crypto Experiment to Shake the Foundations of the Retail Payment Process … and a Whole Lot More, Blockchain News, 2019-08-29

Hyper Speed​Network (HSN) Launches Protector Master Node Program To Build a 5G-Blockchain Ecosystem, Blockchain News, 2019-08-29

PwC Luxembourg to Start Accepting Bitcoin Payments, Bitcoin Magazine, 2019-09-03

A tiny Pacific island nation is about to issue its own cryptocurrency, MIT Technology Review, 2019-09-05

Developer Reveals Token Reward Platform Fueled by Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin.com, 2019-09-12

Bitcoin Now Available at Every 7-Eleven Store in the Philippines, Bitcoin Magazine, 2019-09-19

Iran Is Being Targeted for Economic Independence, Not Terrorism, Bitcoin.com, 2019-09-24

Venezuela Considers Bitcoin (BTC) & Ether (ETH) for Foreign Reserves, Blockonomi, 2019-09-27

The Palestinian Administration Wants to Replace the Israeli Shekel with Crypto,Coincentral, 2019-09-27

Venezuela may be turning to Bitcoin to get around sanctions, MIT Technology Review, 2019-09-27

What’s Holding Back Cryptocurrencies?, Techonomy, 2019-10-04

UAE’s Social Ministry to Grant $16K in Blockchain Contest, Cointelegraph, 2019-10-06

Money Without the State, Center for a Stateless Society, 2019-10-07

Pelosi’s Challenger Agatha Bacelar on Bitcoin as an Agent for Social Change, Bitcoin Magazine, 2019-10-10

5,200 Tobacco Shops in France Now Sell Bitcoin, Bitcoin, 2019-10-11

Smart Contract Blockchains Are Struggling to Scale, Bitcoin, 2019-10-17

Is Cryptocurrency the Future of Money? Let’s Take a Look, MoneyCheck, 2019-10-17

Where to Spend Bitcoin: A Global Overview From Ljubljana to Zurich, Cointelegraph, 2019-10-27

MOBI explained: the consortium that's bringing blockchain to vehicles, Decrypt, 2019-10-27

China ‘Blockchain Day’ could become reality after Xi Jinping’s endorsement of technology, South China Morning Post, 2019-10-29

People can pledge loyalty to the Communist Party of China on blockchain, SCMP, 2019-10-30

Satoshi’s Final Messages Leave Tantalizing Clues to His Disappearance, Bitcoin, 2019-10-30

The Cryptocurrency Revolution is Already Underway, Center for a Stateless Society, 2019-10-31

A Bitcoin casino is the third-largest Internet gambling site in the world, Decrypt, 2019-11-01

Ben Shaoul uses Bitcoin to sell retail condo for $15M, The Real Deal, 2019-11-01

China gets into blockchain race with US, Asia Times, 2019-11-03

Bitcoin is not real, and any purchase amounts to speculation, says ECB’s ex-chief as he pours cold water on cryptocurrency, South China Morning Post, 2019-11-10

The case for de-dollarization, Asia Times, 2019-11-15

How blockchain can save A.I., Forkast News, 2019-11-21

In Philippines, smart cities are on the horizon, Asia Times, 2019-11-24

The Investment of the Decade: Bitcoin vs. World's Megacorps, Howmuch.net, 2019-12-08

Bitcoin and How It's Revolutionized The World, Cryptonews, 2019-12-12

Bitcoin Energy-Value Equivalence, Medium - Capriole Investments, 2019-12-13

Bitcoin dwarfs all other investments this decade,Asia Times, 2019-12-20

Life Cycle Assessment of Bitcoin Mining, Environmental Science&Technology, 2019-11-20

Bitcoin’s Shifting Footprint, The Poetry of Science, 2019-11-29

Bitcoin’s 2019 in Tech: What This Year Brought Us (Part 1), Bitcoin Magazine, 2019-12-19

Bitcoin’s 2019 in Lightning: What This Year Brought Us (Part 2), Bitcoin Magazine, 2019-12-23

What Is Web 3.0 & Why It Matters, Medium - Fabric Ventures, 2019-12-31