Kjedebrev februar 2023

China’s huge homegrown blockchain ChainMaker starts to take shape, Ledger Insights, 2023-02-02

The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are, first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense.
Thomas A. Edison (1847-1931)

Bitcoin NFT Mints Are Rising—But So Are Transaction Fees, Decrypt, 2023-02-04

The Bitcoin ledger of transactions might just be the only objective set of facts in the world
Saifedean Ammous

Next Bitcoin Mining Difficulty Change Estimated to Decrease as Block Times Have Lengthened, Bitcoin.com, 2023-02-05

"In the future, I expect to see bitcoin mining in places where electricity is free or cheap. You could put solar array in the Arizona desert attached to bitcoin miners, and instead of trying to ship that electricity all over world, you could ship Bitcoin all over the world."
Gavin Andresen

Bitcoin NFTs Protocol Ordinals Nears 50,000 Inscriptions, Bitcoin Magazine, 2023-02-10

"Distributed ledgers – or decentralised databases – are systems that enable parties who don’t fully trust each other to form and maintain consensus about the existence, status and evolution of a set of shared facts
Richard Gendal Brown

China to create National Blockchain Technology Innovation Center, Ledger Insights, 2023-02-10

A non-Bitcoin blockchain combines the worst of both worlds: the cumbersome structure of the blockchain with the cost and security risk of trusted third parties
Saifedean Ammous

Major Paris Art Museum to Exhibit CryptoPunks, Autoglyphs NFTs, Decrypt, 2023-02-11

Artists exist to show us the world. So do windows.
Jarod Kintz

State-backed Crypto Mining Farm under Construction in Russia’s Buryatia, Bitcoin.com, 2023-02-11

Mining should not be too profitable (because nothing should be too profitable, the world doesn’t leave free money lying around). Therefore the price of Bitcoins can’t rise too much above the cost of mining (counting equipment depreciation among the costs of course).”
Hal Finney (1956-2014)

The Majority Of Bitcoin Mining Is Fueled By Sustainable Energy, Bitcoin Magazine, 2023-02-18

Energy is the only universal currency: one of its many forms must be transformed to another in order for stars to shine, planets to rotate, plants to grow, and civilizations to evolve.
Vaclav Smil

Currency war, Tehran Times, 2023-02-25

"The best way to destroy the capitalist system was to debauch the currency"
Vladimir Ilich Lenin (1870-1924)

John Naughton: Crypto is intended to be hard to regulate, but at least the Treasury wants to have a go, the Guardian, 2023-02-25

You can’t stop things like Bitcoin. It will be everywhere and the world will have to readjust. World governments will have to readjust

John McAfee (1945-2021)