Kjedebrev desember 2022

Kjedebrev desember 2022

Will crypto’s collapse implode North Korea’s nukes?, Asia Times, 2022-12-02

You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline - it helps if you have some kind of football team, or some nuclear weapons, but in the very least you need a beer.
Frank Zappa (1940-1993)

How to Move Bitcoin, Ethereum and Other Crypto to Self-Custody, Decrypt, 2022-12-02

"The goal of privacy is not to protect some stable self from erosion but to create boundaries where this self can emerge, mutate, and stabilize."
Evgeny Morozov

Proof-Of-Work Is The Only Viable Form Of Consensus, Bitcoin Magazine, 2022-12-04

The security of Bitcoin lies in the asymmetry between the cost of solving the proof-of-work necessary to commit a transaction to the ledger and the cost of verifying its validity
Saifedean Ammous

Of tulip and crypto mania, Asia Times, 2022-12-09

"When it comes to bitcoin adoption, there are generally two rules that never seem to fail. Everyone always feels late, and everyone always wishes they had bought more bitcoin."
— Parker Lewis

Vijay Prashad: The Petrodollar’s Long Goodbye, Consortium News, 2022-12-12

"Monetary inflation not only raises prices and destroys the value of the currency unit; it also acts as a giant system of expropriation."
Murray N. Rothbard (1926-1995)

Why Bitcoin is The Ultimate Wealth Preservation Technology, Bitcoin Magazine, 2022-12-15

Bitcoin is the cheapest way to buy the future, because Bitcoin is the only medium guaranteed to not be debased, no matter how much its value rises
Saifedean Ammous

Argentina fans gamble on Messi with the team’s official crypto token, Rest of World, 2022-12-16

"In football as in watchmaking, talent and elegance mean nothing without rigour and precision."
Lionel Messi

Unbanked.com Gains Momentum in Europe amid New Partnerships and Cryptocurrency Card program, Blockonomi, 2022-12-16

It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning
Henry Ford​ (1863-1947)

Bitcoin and Crypto Now Legal in Brazil, Blockonomi, 2022-12-24

If Bitcoin continues to grow to capture a larger share of the global wealth, it may force governments to become more and more a form of voluntary organization, which can only acquire its 'taxes' voluntarily by offering its subjects services they would be willing to pay for
Saifedean Ammous

Why A Bitcoin Ban In The EU Is Likely… And Stupid, Bitcoin Magazine, 2022-12-30

You can’t stop things like Bitcoin. It will be everywhere and the world will have to readjust. World governments will have to readjust
John McAfee (1945-2021)

A sustainable future: Using blockchain for digital product passports, Ledger Insights, 2022-12-30

Whereas most technologies tend to automate workers on the periphery doing menial tasks, blockchains automate away the center."
Vitalik Buterin

Bitcoin Can Free Puerto Rico, Bitcoin Magazine, 2022-12-31

Bitcoin was created to serve a highly political intent, a free and uncensored network where all can participate with equal access.
Amir Taaki

These Are the Best and Worst-Performing Crypto Sectors in ‘Year of Expensive Lessons’ 2022: Arcane Research, Daily HODL, 2022-12-31

"​Es ist dafür gesorgt dass die Bäume nicht in den Himmel wachsen​"
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)