
Bitcoin Academic Research - Database (spreadsheet) by Brett Scott (terminated in 2016)

Ledger - a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that publishes full-length original research articles on the subjects of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology

When Money Learns to Fly: Towards Sensing as a Service Applications Using Bitcoin, ArXiv, 2014-11-20

David Orrell: A Quantum Theory of Money and Value, Economic Thought, 2016-09-27

David Orrell: A Quantum Theory of Money and Value, Part 2: The Uncertainty Principle, Economic Thought, 2017-09-30

Pioneering new course looks at business, tech, and law surrounding blockchain, Berkeley Haas, 2017-11-13

Bitcoin's Academic Pedigree, Communications of the ACM, December 2017, Vol. 60 No. 12, Pages 36-45

Letting scientific publishing as we know it perish, University World News, 2018-08-31

The rise of crypto in higher education, Coinbase Blog, Medium, 2018-08-28

Research Paper: Bitcoin Disrupts International Monetary Policy, Bitcoin Magazine, 2019-08-29

Matthias Lehmann: Who Owns Bitcoin? Private (International) Law Facing the Blockchain, University of Oxford, 2019-10-18

Bitcoin is Speech: Notes Toward Developing the Conceptual Contours of Its Protection Under the First Amendment, University of Miami Law Review, 2019-11-22

€3.3m research funding to establish trust in the internet economy, TU Delft News, 2020-01-09

Decentralized Efficiency? Arbitrage in Bitcoin Markets, Financial Analysts Journal, 2020-04-27

The Democratic Digital Dollar: A Digital Savings & Payments Platform For Fully Inclusive State, Local, And National Money & Banking Systems, Harvard Business Law Review, Volume 10 (2019-2020)