Kjedebrev januar 2022

Bit.Country: Launch Your Own Metaverse for Your Community, Blockonomi, 2022-01-05
Your ideas are bound to forces of which you have no control due to the fact that you've voluntarily submitted your freedom of though to the perception steering censorship of Google, Facebook and other dragnet surveillance capitalists.
James Scott

Exploring the Thesis that Bitcoin Miners can Replace Global Consensus, Bitcoin Magazine, 2022-01-06
“We reject: kings, presidents and voting.

We believe in: rough consensus and running code.”

David D. Clark

SEGA cautious about NFTs as game publisher views vary, Ledger Insights, 2022-01-07
"What does the money machine eat? It eats youth, spontaneity, life, beauty, and, above all, it eats creativity. It eats quality and sh*ts quantity."

William S. Burroughs (1914-1997)

Why China’s Ban was the Best Thing for Bitcoin in 2021, Bitcoin Magazine, 2022-01-07

“You can’t stop things like Bitcoin. It will be everywhere and the world will have to readjust. World governments will have to readjust”

John McAfee (1945-2021)

Next Up for Chainlink in 2022: LINK Staking and ‘Internet of Blockchains’, Decrypt, 2022-01-07

“We can fortell little of the future save that the thing that has not been is the thing that shall be.”

J.B.S. Haldane (1892-1964)

With Bitcoin, Africa is Becoming the Undisputed Leader of Financial Liberation, Bitcoin Magazine, 2022-01-13

"The great powers of the world may have done wonders in giving the world an industrial and military look but the great gift still has to come from Africa - giving the world a more human face."

Steve Biko (1946-1977)

China’s BSN blockchain network to launch NFTs, Ledger Insights, 2022-01-14

“The future is too interesting and dangerous to be entrusted to any predictable, reliable agency.”

Lewis Thomas (1913-1993)

Will blockchain fulfil its democratic promise or will it become a tool of big tech?, the Guardian, 2022-01-15

“In modern politics, even the leader of the free world needs help from the sultan of Facebookistan.”

Rebecca MacKinnon

Bitcoin's Hashrate Taps New Lifetime High, BTC Price 20% Above Production Cost, Difficulty Nears ATH, Bitcoin.com, 2022-01-16

"Evolution has never found a way to be any speed but very slow."

Jaron Lanier

Indian Art Moves Into the Multi-Billion Dollar Crypto Tokens Market, Riding the Elephant, 2022-01-18

“…for the game had never been fair, the dice were loaded. They were swindlers and thieves of pennies and dimes, and they had been trapped and put out of the way by the swindlers and thieves of millions of dollars.”

Upton Sinclair (1878-1968)

Apparently, Intel is Getting into The Bitcoin Asic Game, Bitcoin Magazine, 2022-01-20

“Technology always has unforeseen consequences, and it is not always clear, at the beginning, who or what will win, and who or what will lose...”

Neil Postman (1931-2003)

Google Takes its First Step in the Crypto World, Disregards Years of Censorship, Blockonomi, 2022-01-21

“I think this mass surveillance by the NSA was never about terrorism: It's all about economic spying & social control. It's all about POWER.”

― Ziad K. Abdelnour

US Fed’s digital dollar working paper emphasizes privacy, Ledger Insights, 2022-01-21

“The way things are supposed to work is that we're supposed to know virtually everything about what they [the government] do: that's why they're called public servants. They're supposed to know virtually nothing about what we do: that's why we're called private individuals.”

Glenn Greenwald

Why January is a Historic Month for Bitcoin, Bitcoin Magazine, 2022-01-23
"To use the past to justify the present is bad enough—but it’s just as bad to use the present to justify the past."

Amitav Ghosh

A Grandfather Kneels Down: Food, Soil and Bitcoin, Bitcoin Magazine, 2022-01-27
"We have allowed the interests of capital to outweigh the interests of human beings and our Earth."

Desmond Tutu (1931-2021)

BMW demos recharging cars using EnergyWeb blockchain, Ledger Insights, 2022-01-27

“Energy is the only universal currency: one of its many forms must be transformed to another in order for stars to shine, planets to rotate, plants to grow, and civilizations to evolve.”

Vaclav Smil

How Lightning Network, Taproot Growth Signal the Future of Bitcoin, Bitcoin Magazine, 2022-01-29

“Uncertainty in estimating viability is related in this way not only to the innate difficulty of predicting the future but also to power and interests.”

Bent Flyvbjerg