Statewide Initiatives

The Tiny European Country That Became A Global Leader In Digital Government

EU eGovernment Report 2016: how Estonia made it to the top, well-explained

E-Health - Estonian Digital Solutions for Europe

Bitnation and Estonian government start spreading sovereign jurisdiction on the blockchain

What is Venezuela's new petro cryptocurrency?

Venezuela launches Ethereum-based cryptocurrency called Petro

Governor Jack Markell announces Delaware Blockchain Initiative

Delaware Drives Blockchain Innovation

Maltese Parliament Passes Laws That Set Regulatory Framework For Blockchain, Cryptocurrency And DLT

Malta - A Leader in DLT Regulation (PDF)

The Growth and Development of Malta the “Blockchain Island”

Blockchain Island | Cointelegraph Documentary (YouTube)

UAE Government Launches Blockchain Strategy 2021

Emirates Blockchain Strategy 2021

Iranian National Cryptocurrency to be Granted to Commercial Banks

Bitcoin Is Now a Legal Form of Payment in New Zealand

National blockchain roadmap

It’s Official: the German Government Now Has a Blockchain Strategy

Centralized Crypto: North Korea Building it’s Own Digital Asset

North Korea Plans to Launch Cryptocurrency to Bypass Economic Sanctions

Turkey Announces Plans for National Blockchain Infrastructure

Turkey leads the world in crypto adoption

Uzbekistan to Create National Mining Pool, Launch Licensed Exchange


Blockchain in Catalonia

Catalonia launches first country-wide Blockchain Strategy boosting its implementation in public services

Delaware, USA