Kjedebrev Juli 2023

Russian Central Bank deputy says digital currencies could spell end of SWIFT, Ledger Insights, 2023-07-06

"Thanks to the central bank, most 'monetary experts' and 'leading macro-economists' can, by putting them on the payroll, be turned into government propagandists explaining, like alchemists, how stones (paper) can be turned into bread (wealth)."
Hans-Hermann Hoppe

Ordinals, Inscriptions And BRC-20 Can’t Break Bitcoin, Bitcoin Magazine, 2023-07-09

"Bitcoin seems to be a very promising idea. I like the idea of basing security on the assumption that the CPU power of honest participants outweighs that of the attacker. It is a very modern notion that exploits the power of the long tail."
Hal Finney (1956-2014)

Bitcoin Hash Rate Hits New All-Time High Amid Stagnating Prices, Decrypt, 2023-07-10

Mining should not be too profitable (because nothing should be too profitable, the world doesn’t leave free money lying around). Therefore the price of Bitcoins can’t rise too much above the cost of mining (counting equipment depreciation among the costs of course).
Hal Finney (1956-2014)

No, Bitcoin Ordinals Do Not Inscribe Data Onto Sats, Bitcoin Magazine, 2023-07-13

The Bitcoin ledger of transactions might just be the only objective set of facts in the world
Saifedean Ammous

China’s SIM card wallet supports offline digital RMB payments, Ledger Insights, 2023-07-13

"What makes disruptions so disruptive is that they turn the assets of incumbents into potentially life-threatening liabilities.
John Hagel

BNY Mellon, HSBC, Siemens share lessons learned from digital securities issuances, Ledger Insights, 2023-07-14

"Integration" er det stikk motsatte av "Distributed"…‽

Copernicus’ Lost Secret: The Quantity Theory Of Money, Bitcoin Magazine, 2023-07-16

Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler did not solve an old problem, they asked a new question, and in doing so they changed the whole basis on which the old questions had been framed.
Ken Robinson (1950-2020)

The Many Facts That Indicate Bitcoin's Creator Satoshi Nakamoto Was More Than One Person, Bitcoin.com, 2023-07-16

For every fact there is an infinity of hypotheses.
Robert M. Pirsig (1928-2016)

China's Shenzhen sets up over 35 mln e-CNY wallets, XinhuaNet, 2023-07-18

"Information is not a substance or concrete entity but rather a relationship between sets or ensembles of structured variety."
Walter F. Buckley (1922-2006)

Putin signs law introducing digital ruble, TASS, 2023-07-24

"You can’t avoid that which is meant to happen"
Russian proverb

Joseph Dana: Chipping away at US dollar dominance, Asia Times, 2023-07-26

"Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world."
Henry Kissinger

Saudi Aramco’s SABIC to use Circularise blockchain product passports to track emissions, Ledger Insights, 2023-07-26

Whereas most technologies tend to automate workers on the periphery doing menial tasks, blockchains automate away the center."
Vitalik Buterin

What Is Fiat Money?, Bitcoin Magazine, 2023-07-30

In the Google era, Newton’s system of the world—one universe, one money, one God—is now in eclipse. His unitary foundation of irreversible physics and his irrefragable golden money have given way to infinite parallel universes and multiple paper moneys manipulated by fiat. Money, like the cosmos, has become relativistic and reversible at will.
George Gilder