Understanding the blockchain, O'Reilly, 2015-01-16

Why Bitcoin Matters - New York Times, 2015-01-21

Why Bitcoin is and isn't like the Internet, Joi Ito, 2015-01-23

There's a blockchain for that

Deals in dark helped bitcoin take off, says chief scientist, Reuters, 2015-04-22

What Community Bankers Should Know About Virtual Currencies

Ending the bitcoin vs blockchain debate

Bitcoin and Blockchain: Two Revolutions for the Price of One

10 Big Banks That Are Seriously Looking into Blockchain Technology

W. Dai: bmoney

Oleg Andreev's Selected articles on bitcoin

Decoding the Enigma of Satoshi Nakamoto and the Birth of Bitcoin

The Heretic's Guide to Global Finance: Hacking the Future of Money (PDF under Documents)

A brief history of bitcoin - and where it's going next

Coin Center Bitcoin Public Sentiment Survey

A wave of financial tech firms is shaking up the world of banking

What is good money?

Olivier Janssens: Bitcoin Foundation Has No Money Left, Finance Magnates, 2015-07-04

World Wide Web Creator Tim Berners-Lee Leads W3C to Establish Online Payment Standards Including Bitcoin

Time to stop this pretence – economics is not science

David Orrell: A Quantum Theory Of Money And Value, Bitcoin Magazine, 2015-08-18

The Economic End Game Explained

Greek town develops bartering system without euro

The future of cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin and beyond , Nature, 2015-09-30

Detroit CHEERS

Ithaca Hours

Founder Paul Glover on Hours


Ethereum: Freenet or Skynet?

Why Bitcoin is and isn't like the Internet

Bitcoin Developer Guide

Bitcoin Wiki

Bitcoin Basics

The Future of the Web Looks a Lot Like Bitcoin

An Introduction to the Bitcoin Blockchain

Block Chain 2.0: The Renaissance of Money

IBM Developing New Blockchain Smart Contract System

The 3Ps of the blockchain: platforms, programs and protocols

On Bitcoin Maximalism, and Currency and Platform Network Effects

Philippines’ “E-Peso” Digital Currency Will Try to Use Bitcoin Technology

World Islamic Mint

Aristotle on Private Property and Money

Financial Crisis or Monetary Crisis

The General Theory of Decentralized Applications, Dapps

The Forms of Capital by Pierre Bourdieu

Bitcoin May Be What Gets Us Real Net Neutrality

How Bitcoin Will Change International Bank Payments

After Bitcoin, are you ready for the next generation of cryptocurrencies?

We Deserve Better Payment Products

IBM looking at adopting bitcoin technology for major currencies

A dark knight is better than no knight at all: Why we need Bitcoin despite its flaws

Visions of a Techno-Leviathan: The Politics of the Bitcoin Blockchain

The Magic of Mining

Move Your Money

The former CIO left Nike to work for a bitcoin startup

What's the Blockchain, and Why Does Bitcoin Depend On It?

Launching a Digital Currency Initiative

Zopa - A Smarter way to manage your money

CurrencyFair - Get better exchange rates when transferring money internationally!

Bitcoin Paves a Way for Evolution of the Species

Bitcoin 2.0: One World, One Cryptocurrency is ‘Unrealistic and Counterproductive’

Oleg Andreev: On circulation of money

A Bitcoin Technology Gets Nasdaq Test

Why Money Isn't Everything

Case Wallet: A Possible Case Study in Unintended Consequences

Why the block chain matters

How Mt. Gox Imploded

Bitcoin really is useful. Just not in the way you think

Blomberg Briefs Special report: Bitcoin

Your Toolkit for Bitcoin Education

A Simple Explanation of Balance Sheets (Don’t run away… it’s interesting, really!)

A Conversation on Bitcoin, Alt-M, 2015-07-16

Andreas M. Antonopoulos: 'Bitcoin is punk-rock, you can't control it'

A License to Kill Innovation: Why A.B. 1326—California’s Bitcoin License—is Bad for Business, Innovation, and Privacy

Why is Bitcoin forking?

Special Report: The Highs and Hazards of Bitcoin

The Future of the Web Looks a Lot Like Bitcoin

Unbanked and cashless: why mobile wallets like M-Pesa are doing it hard in Europe

Banks Embrace Bitcoin’s Heart but Not Its Soul

Bitcoin a Fool’s Gold Standard

Bitcoin or Surveillance? Cashless Society Will Force You to Make Tough Choices

Bank of America Files Patent Application for Cryptocurrency-Mediated Wire Transfers

The Benefits of Allowing Bitcoin to Flourish

The Financial Crisis: Banking, Bankruptcy and the Origins of the Crash

Internet peer-to-peer lenders offer savings rates that are peerless

Debunking the 11 Most Stubborn Lightning Network Myths

How to unlock the future of money and create a fairer world

9 massive banks just teamed up to take the technology behind bitcoin mainstream

Sweden to Become World's First cashless Country?

World's First School to Issue Academic Certificates via Bitcoin Blockchain

JPMorgan Chase says it is building a rival to Apple Pay

This Guy Implanted His Bitcoin Wallet and Made a Payment With His Hand

The Trust Machine

The great chain of being sure about things

Visa & MAstercard Execs have Plenty to Say About Bitcoin

How To Plan A "Bitcoin Only" Travel?

Ban On Crypto Whitepaper: A Menace To Blockchain Technology?

ePaisa Brings Bitcoin Payments to Merchants Across India

Bitcoin Is Growing up - an Infographic of the Bitcoin Ecosystem

The great chain of being sure about things

Microsoft Adds Ripple to Azur Blockchain Service, Expands Etherum Tools

Blockchain Lures IBM, Wells Fargo for Transaction Network

Tech and Banking Giants Join Forces with the Linux Foundation to Create New Open Source Blockchain 'Hyperledger'

Enigma, MIT Media Lab’s Blockchain-based Encrypted Data Marketplace, to Launch Beta

Accept It: The Blockchain Will Be Part of Your Bank's Business

Coinbase Just Debuted the First Bitcoin Debit Card in the US

A Step by Step Guide to Firing Up Your Own Bitcoin Node

The Future Of Bitcoin in't Bitcoin - It's Bigger Than That

Overstock's t0: Reconciling Fiat Currency and the Bitcoin Blockchain


What is Bitcoins Value Proposition?
