Kjedebrev September 2023

Crypto boss sentenced to over 11,000 years, Hürriyet Daily News, 2023-09-08

"What are the differences between Mark Zuckerberg and me? I give private information on corporations to you for free, and I'm a villain. Zuckerberg gives your private information to corporations for money and he’s Man of the Year."
Julian Assange

Bitcoin Nodes Now One Step Closer to Instant Sync, bitcoin Magazine, 2023-09-16

"Evolution has never found a way to be any speed but very slow."
Jaron Lanier

Jan Krikke: Redesigning global finance, Asia Times, 2023-09-15

"The global crisis is caused by pathologies inherent in the global financial system itself."
George Soros

Institute of International Finance questions digital euro business model, Ledger Insights, 2023-09-20

Finance is a slave's word.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)

The Subtle Art of Orange Pilling, Bitcoin Magazine, 2023-09-22

The three policy pillars of this new era are familiar to us all: privatization of the public sphere, deregulation of the corporate sector, and lower corporate taxation, paid for with cuts to public spending.
Naomi Klein

Cynthia Lummis: Bitcoin Is the Anti-CBDC, Bitcoin Magazine, 2023-09-29

Whereas in a modern central bank the new money created goes to finance lending and government spending, in Bitcoin the new money goes only to those who spend resources on updating the ledger
Saifedean Ammous