
Frontiers in blockchain (journal)

Blockchain: Research and Applications

Bitcoin Academic Research - Database (spreadsheet) by Brett Scott (terminated in 2016)

Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance

MIT Digital Currency Initiative

The Stanford Center for Blockchain Research

IC3 - Initiative for Cryptocurrencies & Contracts, Cornell University

BlockchainIST Center, Istanbul; "BAU Blockchain and Innovation Center of Istanbul" or "BlockchainIST" is the first university research and development center in Turkey for Blockchain Technology, hosted by Bahçeşehir University in Istanbul.

Ledger - a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that publishes full-length original research articles on the subjects of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology

UCL Research Centre for Blockchain Technologies

The Journal of the British Blockchain Alliance (JBBA)

Bitcoin University

Blockchain@UBC - Blockchain to Improve the World

Blockchain@Columbia - Columbia University's organization for distributed ledger technology

Columbia-IBM Center for Blockchain and Data Transparency

A student organization focused on blockchain innovation via education, research, design, and consulting

Blockchain Center

located at the IT University of Copenhagen (ITU)

Delft Blockchain Lab

Pioneering new course looks at business, tech, and law surrounding blockchain, Berkeley Haas, 2017-11-13

Bitcoin's Academic Pedigree, Communications of the ACM, December 2017, Vol. 60 No. 12, Pages 36-45

Blockchain at Berkeley

Letting scientific publishing as we know it perish, University World News, 2018-08-31

The rise of crypto in higher education, Coinbase Blog, Medium, 2018-08-28

Next-generation science publishing platform