Spring Trap League Winners

Post date: May 3, 2011 9:10:45 PM

The Big 4+ Sportsman’s Club in Long Lake concluded their Spring Trap League with a potluck party and trap shoot May 2. The league shot a hunt-and-cover format with 2-man teams. A possible 800 targets were shot at distances ranging from 18 to 26 yards. Ed Borske (Alvin) and Jeremy Streu (Long Lake) took first place with 780 targets broken. Skip Ritchie (Long Lake) and Bob Cleereman (Newald) came in second with 762 targets broken and LeRoy Dorzok (Tipler) and Jaden Streu (Long Lake) came in third with 739 targets broken. Ed Borske won the contest for Top Gun with 384 out of 400 targets broken.