
This checks a collection or array for an item or element. If requested Exists() passes the item or element back to us in vItem.

NOTE! vItem is declared ByRef making its value accessible to the calling routine.

I use this constantly to make sure things needed by a routine are there. In the example below I am checking a workbook to see if a worksheet I need exists. If found, the worksheet is placed in oWks. If not, an error is raised:

' Check Inputs and requisites

If Not Exists(oWkb.Worksheets, "ACTs", oWks) Then Err.Raise DspError, , _

"Problem:" & vbTab & "Worksheet ACTs not found" & vbLf & _

"Fix:" & vbTab & "Click 'Import Tables' icon to add worksheet and configuration tables"

Below is the routine. This routine does not work with all possible Excel object collections but I have found this easy to modify as I come across collections I need to check as evidenced by the modification history.

Public Function Exists(ByVal vCollection As Variant, _

ByVal sName As String, _

Optional ByRef vItem As Variant) As Boolean

' Description:Determine if a name exists in a collection

' Inputs: vCollection Collection to check

' sName Collection Item's Name

' vItem Variable to hold collection instance

' Outputs: Me Success/Failure

' Requisites: *None

' Example: ?Exists(Worksheets, "UsrCodes")

' ?Exists(ActiveWorkbook.Names, "WBS", vItem)

' ?Exists(ThisWorkbook.Styles, "Bad", vItem)

' ?Exists(Workbooks(2).TableStyles, "TableStyleMedium14", vItem)

' ?Exists(ActiveSheet.Shapes, "Button", vItem)

' ?Exists(Array("Input", "Bad", "Good", "Neutral"), Selection.Style.Name)

' Date Ini Modification

' 06/25/01 CWH Initial Development

' 08/01/13 CWH Test for Blank Item

' 10/22/13 CWH Covered oCollection not set

' 12/04/15 CWH Now handles arrays

' 10/28/16 CWH Now handles Dictionaries

' 09/26/17 CWH Now handles SeriesCollection

' 02/08/18 CWH Make sure vItem doesn't return something on failure

' 12/08/18 CWH Add AddIns object collection type

' 02/26/19 CWH Add SlicerPivotTables

' Declarations

Const cRoutine As String = "Exists"

Dim v As Variant

' Error Handling Initialization

On Error GoTo ErrHandler

Exists = False

' Procedure

Select Case TypeName(vCollection)

Case Is = "String"

vItem = vbNullString

Exists = InStr(1, vCollection, sName) > 0

Case Is = "Range"

Set vItem = vCollection.Find(What:=sName, _

LookIn:=xlValues, _


If vItem Is Nothing Then Err.Raise 5

Exists = True

Case Is = "Variant()", "String()"

vItem = vbNullString

For Each v In vCollection

If CStr(v) = sName Then

vItem = v

Exists = True

Exit For

End If


Case Is = "Dictionary"

Set vItem = Nothing

Exists = vCollection.Exists(sName)

If Exists Then

If IsObject(vCollection(sName)) Then _

Set vItem = vCollection(sName) Else _

vItem = vCollection(sName)

End If

Case Is = "SeriesCollection", "AddIns", "SlicerPivotTables"

Set vItem = Nothing

For Each v In vCollection

If v.Name = sName Then

Set vItem = v

Exists = True

Exit For

End If


Case Else

If IsObject(vCollection) Then

Set vItem = Nothing

If IsObject(vCollection(sName)) Then

Set vItem = vCollection(sName)

Exists = True


vItem = vbNullString

vItem = vCollection(sName)

Exists = True

End If

End If

End Select


Select Case Err.Number

Case Is = NoError: 'Do nothing

Case Is = 5, 9, 13, 91, 1004, 3265, -2147024809 'Do Nothing (not found)

Case Else:

Select Case DspErrMsg(cModule & "." & cRoutine)

Case Is = vbAbort: Stop: Resume 'Debug mode - Trace

Case Is = vbRetry: Resume 'Try again

Case Is = vbIgnore: 'End routine

End Select

End Select

End Function

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