5g: Function Libraries

Below are several function libraries, some available now, some soon. They provide practical examples of 5G functions. These libraries, referred to as modules by Microsoft's Advanced Formula Environment, are available free from GitHub and packaged for sale with examples and videos through Eloquens.com

Here are some features common to BXL's 5G functions.

All libraries include an Aboutλ() function that lists the library's components when entered on a blank worksheet like so: =Aboutλ()

The about information includes the library's version number. Use this to see if your copy of the library is up-to-date.

The about also includes the GitHub Gist's URL to make it easy to check the online version.

Inline Help
All components have an inline help feature which explains the component's function and its parameters. To access this feature, just enter the component without any function arguments like so: =Timelineλ().

The inline help includes:

Array Essentials Library
This library contains 5G functions for working with arrays in any industry (not just financial).

Finance Starter Library
This library provides a sample of 5G functions for the financial modeling industry. Each functions works nicely with dynamic arrays. This is best used with the Date library. Here is what is included in the Finance Library.




SUMMARIES - Functions that create totals for the main functions


 SUBROUTINES - Functions used by the main functions

Date Module
This module provides 5G components for scheduling things. This is great for financial models, budgets, projects, rentals, etc. It includes these components.

Debt Module
This module provides 5G components for modeling debt in several different ways. From simple bank loans to precise debt sculpting, this pack stives to meet all your debt modeling needs within financial modeling standards.

Budget Module

This module is what created the zero-based, rolling-budget application featured in the Intro to 5G video. It was designed to impress more than to be practical. Even so, the base components form what I used for planning and managing my departments budget and even my personal budget and retirement planning. This proudly does not adhere to any financial modeling standard.

Multi-dimensional Modeling Module

This module was inspired by a challenge issued to the word's financial modeling community by Paul Mireault. The traditional modeling approaches struggled to solve his puzzle because spreadsheets are two dimensional. Even so, this problem was solved in databases decades ago with the n-fold cartesian product, which is a way of making all possible distinct combinations of various dimensions. This is best used in table based modeling methodology.