Add Values to Column

Add Values to Same Column


I sometimes want to add values to an existing column without adding a new column. Here is how to do it in one line of M code


We can insert this step by selecting power query menu option Home > Replace Values (in the Transform group) and then modifying the code as shown below. Alternatively, we can insert this line in the Advanced Editor.

Below is the syntax for the statement.

= Table.ReplaceValue(<PreviousStep>, 

  each [<CurrentColumn>], 

  each [<CurrentColumn>] + [<OtherColumn>],


<PreviousStep> Is the name of the previous step in the query we are building
<CurrentColumn> Is the name of the column we will be changing
<OtherColumn> Is the name, or names of columns containing values we want to add, or the literal value to add.
