
Pithy Sayings we Hold True

Models with analytics are superior to those without

An Excel model is a computer representation of an actual or planned thing in the real world. Without analytics, we are provided only a snapshot of that thing. With analytics we can probe for insights and explore possibilities.

Self documenting formulas are superior to cryptic references

An Excel formula is written, audited, and maintained by people. Formulas using cell references are easy to read by the machine but more difficult for people; thus, creating formulas that explain intent and purpose helps promote model understanding which helps auditors and those who must maintain the model at some point in the future.

If we plan for change, change is easy.

The things that models represent are rarely static. They change. Clients change their minds. Disruptive events happen. If our models are built to accommodate change, such changes are easier to make. And models built for change are easier to repurpose for new and similar projects. This reduces errors by building on pretested components and speeds time to market by eliminating recreating the wheel.Â