Keeping Compatible with Excel 2003

Post date: May 21, 2013 6:28:58 PM

This is an evolving list of how to keep VBA development in versions after XL 2003 compatible with XL 2003.

XL2003 is the lowest version I support. It is when Microsoft introduced ListObjects, also known as XL Tables. I like tables. I switched all development from Ranges to Tables because Tables address a host of issues with Ranges, things like dynamically expanding lists and handling users skipping entry lines (leaving blank rows). In XL2007, Microsoft introduced a host of Table improvements and refined them in XL2010. Unfortunately, those improvements are not backward compatible with XL2003.

There are many XL2007 and later improvements that are not avalable to XL2003 but which can be mimicked in VBA. This post catalogs the specific improvement and how to implement it in XL2003.