Frequently Used Formulas

Beyond Excel's (BXL's) Formula Templates

For the most part, TBM uses just a handful of formulas templates. These templates are shown below. There are also only a handful of functions used which include: IF(), INDEX(), ROW(),  and SUMIFS(). 

Why are TBM's formulas so long?

The short answer is, to improve understandability and flexibility. These two aspects are far more important than brevity when working with anything other than the simplest of projects. 


In complex projects we may need to refer back to sections built some time ago, and even by someone else. Anyone who has reviewed anyone else's project will say it takes a significant effort to understand other people's work, and the level of effort grows exponentially with complexity. Thus, TBM makes every effort to make projects understandable through standardization, solid structure, labels, comments, and names.

NOTE! In this discussion, the word name is synonymous with structured reference.

Myth: Long formulas are complex

The length of a formula is not an indicator of its complexity. For example: =B1-A1 is shorter than =Revenue-Expenses but these two formulas have identical complexity scores (3).

Myth: Long formulas are harder to understand

The opposite is true when length is due to names versus cell references. For example: =B1-A1 is shorter but we have no idea what it means. On the other hand  =Revenue-Expenses is longer but we understand just by looking at it, this is a basic profit formula.

Myth: Long formulas are more likely to have errors.

Again, the opposite is true when length is due to names versus cell references. For example, when we type =B1-A1 Excel gladly accepts it even if we meant to type C1 instead of B1 and the result may look right. On the other hand, if we type   =Rev3nue-Expenses Excel will alert us with a #NAME? error. 

Myth: Long formulas take longer to type.

Not really, because as we type a name, Excel starts offering names that match what we type from which we can select.

The truth is names make formulas longer AND easier to understand. And easier-to-understand is key to maintaining complex projects. 


Complex projects can take time to create and sometimes persist after creation for years. As time passes, the likelihood that changes will be needed increases. And anyone who has worked more than a handful of projects, even their own, know that we usually do not get halfway through a project before we realize we need to add something. If our projects are not structured properly, or our formulas rely on cell addresses when cells must be relocated, changes can take a lot of time. For these reasons, TBM does not rely on where information is. Instead TBM references data by the table that contains it, and if needed, finds the data by key. Thus, TBM models can grow, and in some cases, without ANY modification to formulas. 

When we include table names, formulas get longer; but, the tradeoff in terms of flexibility and understandability is well worth it. The same holds true for finding data by key instead of just referencing information by cell address.


Formula Template

Create Row, Period, or Index

Creates a row number or period number in tables. Row and period numbers are frequently used as identifiers for SUMIFS or INDEX, or to help generate permutation key indexes.


Get Value for Same Period

Model calculations in one section typically need values from another section. Very often those values are for the same period. In TBM, those sections are tables. This is how we most often include values from other tables.

=INDEX(<table[column]>, <Period or index>)

Get Value From a Prior Period

Corkscrew accounts are normal in financial modeling. In TBM, this is how we get prior period balances.

=INDEX(<table[column]>, <Period or index> - 1)

Get Value Totals From the Same Period

Some calculations require aggregating several values from the same period. 

NOTE! When no match is found for SUMIFS(), the result is 0 and not an error. In most cases, that is exactly what I want.

=SUMFIS(<table[column] to SUM>, 

        <table[period]>, <period>)

Get a single value, or sum a group of values using two keys: 

Imported time-based data typically has a key, like an account number, a date, and one or more attribute values (like Credits or Debits). If the table we are working in has a column heading that matches a key in our imported data, we can pull all of an attribute's values from imported data for a given key and period using this template.

=SUMFIS(<table[column] to SUM>,

        <table[period column]>,      <[@[period field]]>

        <table[description column]>, <@[#Headers]>)

Handling First Periods

In many cases we must do things differently for the first period. An example is, in the first period we may need to get an opening balance that comes from the Inputs Section, and in all subsequent periods we use a formula to calculate based in information from the Process Section.

=IF(<[@[period field]]>=<FirstPeriod>, 

    <do this>, 

    <else do this>)