5g: CountDOWλ()


CountDOWλ() counts the number of a specific weekday between two dates.


CountDOWλ( Dates, DayOfWeek, [Diagnostics])

The CountDOWInMonthλ function has the following arguments:

(Required) This is one or more start dates. 

(Required) This is one end date for every start date.

(Required) This is the number of day of the week we want to count. Sundays are 1 and Saturdays are 7.

Diagnostics (Optional)
If TRUE, input errors that can occur after formula entry will display as diagnostic messages. The default is FALSE. It is recommended that models have a named range called Diagnostics and this named range be set to TRUE during model development and then set to FALSE when the model is placed into production.


A facility we wish to use for a once-a-week sales event says they have availability between August 29th and September 22nd. We know Friday, Saturday, and Sunday events are poorly attended. Which day of the remaining days of the week will give us the most opportunities to hold our events?