24 Nocturnes for young Pianists

After the great success of my series "Zita in Wonderland" with 24 neoclassical piano miniatures for children and beginners, I have now composed another series of more challenging pieces for young Pianists. My aim was to create original works, that are relatively easy to play but nevertheless interesting and challenging modern classical music in "pure piano Beneking-Style".

As with all my works, there are no markings in the scores, because I would like to encourage even the young Pianists (maybe with the help of their teachers) to develop an individual interpretation of the piece. Pedal usage is recommended.

Please feel free to copy and share this booklet! All pianists, teachers and piano schools can use it without any cost!

Also I am welcoming all recordings -especially from children and young pianists- and would offer to upload them onto my SoundCloud page and/or YouTube channel.

(Please "click" on the picture below to open the PDF booklet)


A recording of 24 Nocturnes for young Pianists now also available on Spotify (Free Listen) and iTunes (Download).


A recording (performed by myself) is also available on BandCamp:

24 Nocturnes Album on BandCamp

You can also listen to this album for free on Spotify: http://open.spotify.com/album/1KnIXmwfBkoa0aDMe4Ziyi