24 Petits reves bizarres
The Petits reves bizarres, "dreamlets" strange little dreams, are a collection of 24 short neoclassical pieces for piano, composed in 2011 and 2012. Most of the dreams are one-pagers and relatively easy to play.
1st prize in the international Free Scores Contest 2016 "minimalist piano" with "Petit Reve bizarre No. 23"
Free Booklet with all Scores
(Please "click" on the picture below to open the PDF booklet)
Various Albums with recordings of the Petits Reves bizarres series available on iTunes, AmazonMP3, BandCamp, Spotify and many other platforms.
1. 24 Petits Reves bizarres played by Milana Zilnik
2. Petits Reves bizarres I - XII played by Milana Zilnik including an improvisation on the theme on every piece.
3. Petits Reves bizarres XII - XXIV played by Milana Zilnik including an improvisation on the theme on every piece.
4. Second Album with Petits Reves bizarres XII - XXIV also available on BandCamp, iTunes etc.
5. Preludes Fantaisies with Petits reves bizarres No. 10, 11, 20 and 22 played by Brad Hill
6. 2 Préludes for One Hand Alone - 8 Petits Rêves Bizarres (No. 1,3,4,6,7,12,16,19) - played by Romeo Wecks
Physical CD Albums (11.99 USD):