10 Nocturnes - "Nachtlieder von der Toteninsel" (Nocturnes from the Isle of Dead)

The "Toteninsel" (Isle of Dead) is one of the most famous paintings of the romantic period of the 19th century by the swiss painter Arnold Böcklin. It exists in three originals worldwide and it has inspired many artists (including Rachmaninov).

This piano series is rather challenging and consists of 10 Nocturnes in neoclassical, contemporary classical style.

Free download of Booklet with all Scores / Sheet Music:

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Printed Booklet available on Amazon US (and also Amazon UK and Europe)


Album "10 Nocturnes - 12 Valkyries" on iTunes and other platforms, performed by pianist Carlos Márquez.

Includes "10 Nocturnes", "Nachtlieder von der Toteninsel", and 12 "Valkyries", ranging from C minor to B minor.


Physical CD on Amazon:
