Space Travel and Widespread Use of Global Satellite Communication System

( See Topic, Global Computer Network, for more information)

Space shuttle cargo bays are the exact dimension of two "flying scrolls" described by Zechariah. These "scrolls" are exact dimensions of frequently shipped satellites.

(Zec 5:2-3) And he said to me, "What do you see?" So I answered, "

I see a flying scroll. Its length is twenty cubits and its width ten cubits." {3} Then he said to me, "This is the curse that goes out over the face of the whole earth: 'Every thief shall be expelled,' according to this side of the scroll; and, 'Every perjurer shall be expelled,' according to that side of it." (emphasis added)

Every day, billions of dollars and millions of people use the system described above. Each day that goes by, the use of the system gets more and more widespread. We can essentially get by today without the use of paper currency. From anywhere on the globe, we have the option to use international credit cards such as Mastercard and Visa or we can even use our bank debit cards globally. We are also seeing the emergence of point of sale merchants where we can purchase merchandise with our debit card which automatically deducts the transaction from our bank accounts.

The satellite system will not only be used for banking. During the Gulf War, the U.S. military used a satellite system to pinpoint their position in the desert. The system was acutely accurate. Today, these devises can fit into the palm of your hand and act as a global compass. It is called "global positioning system" and soon, they will make the devise wrist watch size. These same devises will eventually be able to be fit on to a computer microchip and integrated into a mark used for buying and selling mentioned in Revelation 13:16 and later in this review.

We do not have to wait until the chip arrives to be tracked with this system, however. There are detailed reports of phone usage along with the ability to track the use of credit and debit cards. Many thieves are tracked and caught every day by using the system.

These same techniques will be used to track designated groups of people and manipulate or hinder "undesirable" activities. Those who do not accept the new system by rejecting the computer chip "mark" will be viewed as trying to subvert the criminal justice system. These people will be prosecuted as common criminals, persecuted, jailed, and even executed for their rebellion.