Rise of the AntiChrist

Along with the political lack of leadership around the world, there is currently a religious lack of leadership. This void is getting more acute every day. He will appear to be both a political as well as a spiritual savior, for the Antichrist (political beast) will be accompanied by a religious beast which gives its power to the political beast (Revelation 13:1-4). Here are some quotes from around the world exhibiting the desire for such a leader:

A person is already born whose powers can be compared to that of any big, powerful and advanced nation and who is capable of establishing one religion and one language throughout the world - Anderson

In the present juncture, a Godman has taken birth, who will spread happiness and drive away unhappiness and who possesses tremendous power of uprooting evil - Prof. Harar

The greatest man, who will create history, has already taken birth, who will change the whole world. The torch lit by him will turn into a flame and envelop the whole world. - Jule Burn

A great man is born in a humble agriculturist family, who will control and direct a spiritual revolution and his efforts will be blessed by released souls. - Jean Dickson

A Godman has already taken birth as incarnation of God in the form of Knowledge - not in the form of a human being but in the form of a power. This power has 24 aspects which are the 24 rays originating from Gayatri Mantra. These rays possess the necessary qualities which alone are capable of making man great and prosperous, and such qualities when condensed in the form of a seed and put into practice are capable of turning man into a God and make the earth a Heaven. - Ashok N. Rawal

New Age ideas are being ingrained into our minds as normal thought through popular books and movies. The promotion of these beliefs are almost commonplace already. Top selling books and top rated movies are showing us these ideas and many believe. Once the beliefs are in place, the leader will arrive. The day is not far off.