Time Line

Translation Dedication of 2nd Coming

of Enoch Solomon's Temple of Christ

(Gen.5:18-24) (I Kings Chap. 6) (Rev. 19:11-21)

| | |

Adam's | God's Covenant | The Birth |

Sin | with Abraham | of Jesus ^ |

(Genesis) | (Gen.12:1-7) | (Luke 2:1-20) / \ |

(Chapter) | | | | / \ |

((( 3 ))) | | | (1)(2)(3) (4)/ \ |

(^) | | | | | || |/ \ |

()^() | | | \ | / | / \ |

()(^)() | | | ||| | |/"CHURCH AGE" |

\()^()/ | | | ||| |-+-| \ |

\^|^/ | | | ||| |/| | \ |Millennium

:|: | | | ||| | | | \ |

:|: 1 \|/ 2 \|/ 3 \|/ 4|| \|/| |5 6 \|/ 7

----*---------*---------*---------*---------*---------*---------* -------

4000^B.C. 3000^B.C. 2000^B.C. 1000^B.C.||| >0< | 1000^A.D. 2000^A.D.

||| | |

Nebuchadnezzer's Dream |

of World Kingdom's "The Stone"

(Dan. 2:31-45) Judgment

||| | (Rev. Chapt. 17;18)

||| | |

Babylon "Head" 606 B.C. /// | Revived Roman Empire

_____________________________________/// / not yet fulfilled

// / "Feet & Toes" (European Union)

Medo-Persia "Breast & Arms" 536 B.C.// / |

___________________________________// / 10 Kingdoms Shown

/ / 1. Dan. 2:43-45 Feet & Toes(10)

Greece "Belly & Thighs" 330 B.C. / / 2. Dan. 7:20,24 ---Ten Horns---

_________________________________/ / 3. Rev. 12:3 Ten Horns

/ 4. Rev. 13:1 Ten Horns

Roman Empire "Split" 364 A.D. / 5. Rev. 17:3,12,16 Ten horns

______________________________________/ ---Revived Roman Empire---