
Pestilence will also be a problem as the time approaches. In recent decades, people have developed the idea that disease and pestilence could be destroyed by modern techniques. However, we are discovering that these pestilences merely grow immune to the modern remedies and live on to cause widespread death, disease, and fear.

"Mosquitoes, ticks building strength to swarm into war"

"Because of all the moisture, the mosquito onslaught has become fact, not science fiction, elsewhere on the East Coast and in the Midwest. Some parts already have had a fivefold population explosion."(Lansing State Journal, May 22, 1994)

"New York is losing battle to stop rats"

"Experts once thought there was an astounding one rat for each of New York's 8 million residents. Now disquieted officials say there are at least two and perhaps as many as five rats for every New Yorker".(Lansing State Journal, May 22, 1994)

Notice the above two quotes are from the same newspaper on the same day. It is not too difficult to find these types of stories in local newspapers.