Information and Transportation Explosion

(Dan 12:4) "But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase."

It is easy to marvel at the wonders of modern technology. Only through the advance of knowledge could we have all of the miraculous inventions of the Twentieth Century including supercomputers, space shuttles, and cellular phones. The list is almost endless. Knowledge is doubling every 2 1/2 years! Not only that, but 90% of the scientists who ever lived are alive today! What does that say about the sudden increase in knowledge?

The meaning of Daniel shutting up the words and sealing the book has significance in relation to modern technological advances. The ability to seal the prophetic meaning is embedded in modern technology. Only in these advanced times are we able to unseal the meaning of many prophetic scriptures. Previous generations were simply ignorant of things to come. We will continue to "unseal" scripture as we develop our technology further making known those prophecies previously sealed by ignorance.